Module code: MAN3166

Module Overview

The International Transport Planning & Policy module aims at helping students to develop an understanding of the transport planning and policy making processes in relation to tourism. Skills gained will include transport plan and policy evaluation, as well as the development of strategic interventions towards innovative and sustainable solutions. We hope to offer students in-depth knowledge about motorised and non-motorised transport modes and enable them to develop relevant conceptualisation and evaluation skills required to design such travel and tourism services. These skills will be culminated through the diverse class activities offered through this module and will evolve while students prepare for the module assessment during the Semester.

Based on module contents and guest lecture input, students will be asked to issue a policy brief about a contemporary transport issue of international interest applying the knowledge acquired e.g. about incorporating cultural awareness in policy making. Additionally, students will be asked to work in groups and develop a presentation bidding for funding for their selected plan or policy. These assessment tasks will enhance the digital capabilities and employability skills of students.

Building on knowledge, concepts, theories and frameworks which students became familiar within previous modules e.g. MAN3165, this module covers a wide range of transport policies and plans covering various transport modes globally. The critical thinking of students will evolve through engagement with topics about contemporary policy and planning priorities such as innovation, digital transport, resilience, sustainability, equity and justice among others. By covering fundamental principles of transport planning and policy by policy makers and practitioners, students will develop key capabilities to review, evaluate and develop future-proof transport plans and policies shaping the tourism industry.

Module provider

Hospitality & Tourism Management

Module Leader


Number of Credits: 15

ECTS Credits: 7.5

Framework: FHEQ Level 6

Module cap (Maximum number of students): N/A

Overall student workload

Workshop Hours: 11

Independent Learning Hours: 117

Lecture Hours: 22

Module Availability

Semester 2

Prerequisites / Co-requisites


Module content

Indicative content includes:
• Setting the scene: International, national and regional transport policies (incl. international, EU and UK policies, Belt and Road Initiative, holistic measurement) à building on content of broader T&T modules ‘Understanding the Tourism and Transport Industries and individual mode modules: (e.g. ‘Air Transport Management’, ‘Land Transport Systems’, ‘Cruise Industry and Sea Transport’)
• Passenger travel demand management (incl. transport trends, accessibility, modal choice, behaviour change) à building on ‘Marketing Principles’ and ‘Tourism and Society’ modules
• Sustainability considerations in leisure transport planning processes (incl. climate change, social inclusion/ exclusion, sustainability paradigm, sustainable transport pol instruments) à building on content of ‘Sustainability in Tourism and Transport’ and ‘Tourism Policy and Development’
• Transport, energy and the environment (incl. transport and env policies, pollution, sustainable fuels/technologies/transport in natural and protected areas/green transport initiatives) à building on content of ‘Sustainability in Tourism and Transport’
• Public transport policies in the UK (incl. role of local authorities, local plans, prof/ethical conduct) and drawing on international examples
• Transport infrastructure planning and development (incl. financial and spatial planning, deregulation, privatisation and public subsidy in transport provision)
• Resilience in tourism-related transport planning and policy (incl. risk management, stakeholder engagement, approaches to measuring economic, social and environmental impact of transport, critical evaluations of evidence) à building on ‘Crisis Management in Tourism and Transport’ module
• Transport trends and innovation (incl. emerging technologies, intermodal transport systems and connectivity)
• Critical evaluation of international transport initiatives: good practice and areas for improvement (student presentations)

Assessment pattern

Assessment type Unit of assessment Weighting
Coursework Policy brief (1,500 words) 50
Oral exam or presentation Group presentation 50

Alternative Assessment

If a group project will not be suitable for re-assessment, an individual essay (2,000 words) will be assigned

Assessment Strategy

The assessment strategy is designed to provide students with the opportunity to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their comprehension and resourcefulness and to demonstrate their ability critically assess International Transport Policy and Planning. The assessment strategy allows students to focus on specific interests within the material covered and asks them to take an overview on transport planning and policy more broadly and within a global context. Students are encouraged to relate the theory to practical real-world examples. Furthermore, students’ ability to interpret and critically evaluate policy, as well as to create innovative and creative solutions will be tested.

Thus, the summative assessment for this module consists of:

• Policy brief on the role of international transport planning and policy in advancing the (LO5) sustainability agenda (1,500 words). This assessment aids in meeting LO1 since it requires good understanding of international, regional or UK transport policies. It also meets LO4 by focusing on effective communication.

• Group presentation on critical evaluation of 1 international example of either good practice or area for improvement in transport initiative in a tourism context (presentation). This assessment aids in meeting LO2 and LO3 by offering a critical evaluation of a transport initiative within the tourism industry, including wider socio-cultural issues. Delivering a group presentation enhances team working (LO4) and employability skills.

Formative assessment
Unmarked formative feedback will be given during class exercises, assignment surgeries,feed-forward sessions and through discussions on SurreyLearn

For the policy brief students will receive written feedback 3 weeks after assignment submission; the group assignment feedback will be provided verbally on the day of the assignment, followed up by a written summary and evaluation of what went well and areas for improvement.

Module aims

  • Develop critical thinking and achieve a thorough knowledge and understanding of the transport planning and policy making practices in the UK, the EU and internationally
  • Reflect on the range of transport planning and policy challenges and opportunities arising within the tourism sector to apply the principles and concepts learnt
  • Critique the theories and concepts taught through case-studies and real-world scenarios

Learning outcomes

Attributes Developed
001 Demonstrate an understanding of the main international, regional and UK policies which impose an impact on the transport sector K
002 Recognise and interpret the social, economic and environmental dimensions of international transport planning and policy making, including its societal and cultural implications KC
003 Understand the role of transport to influence accessibility, cultural awareness and social inclusion levels KCT
004 Improve student employability by enhancing their analytical, communication and team working skills through information gathering, material synthesis and group coursework CPT
005 Apply confidently relevant concepts and theories to adapt best practices to meet sustainable goals through local, national and international transport plans and policies KP

Attributes Developed

C - Cognitive/analytical

K - Subject knowledge

T - Transferable skills

P - Professional/Practical skills

Methods of Teaching / Learning

The learning and teaching strategy is designed to:

Support active and problem-based learning by lecturers and guest speakers from public and private sector, as well as policy makers. By drawing on a range of case studies (such as rural/ urban and public/private transport planning and policy, climate change and sustainability implications, cruises, air and water-borne transport and alternative and innovative modes of transport), this module will offer students the opportunity to

understand and critique theory through practical examples. This way students are encouraged to deepen their knowledge and understanding and to critically evaluate various perspectives.

The learning and teaching methods include:

• Lectures

• Tutorials
• Class exercises and discussions
• Case study analysis
• Guided learning activities and supporting material available via SurreyLearn

A wide range of global case studies are delivered in weekly module sessions, which supports students to enhance their resourcefulness as well as their global and cultural capabilities. Case studies, frameworks and theories are based on contemporary research and projects to ensure teaching and learning via research-informed delivery. These teaching and learning methods are aligned with BSc ITMwT programme modules, enhancing digital capabilities where relevant. This module is also offered as an optional module to other L6 School programmes, so it has been ensured that delivery methods are in-line with other School programmes too.

Indicated Lecture Hours (which may also include seminars, tutorials, workshops and other contact time) are approximate and may include in-class tests where one or more of these are an assessment on the module. In-class tests are scheduled/organised separately to taught content and will be published on to student personal timetables, where they apply to taken modules, as soon as they are finalised by central administration. This will usually be after the initial publication of the teaching timetable for the relevant semester.

Reading list
Upon accessing the reading list, please search for the module using the module code: MAN3166

Other information

This module adopts the university curriculum framework which aims to develop learners with strong capabilities in Employability, Digital Capabilities, Global and Cultural Capabilities, Sustainability and Resourcefulness and Resilience. This module contributes to the development of the following capabilities:


Global and Cultural Capabilities: The use of a wide range of case studies and international transport policy and planning examples from the UK and overseas, this modules offers an international perspective to all students. Individual and team-based class activities invite students to share their international experience and own cultural capabilities. Using student experiences  to illustrate in-class examples offers further exposure to diverse cultures, while equipping students with key skills to succeed in a career within a global industry such as transport and travel.

Digital Capabilities: Teaching and learning materials are provided in several formats, and students are encouraged to use discussion boards for communication e.g. formative peer review task through SurreyLearn. Students are provided with examples of how to further enhance their writing, editing, digital skills (e.g. policy brief, group presentation). Online and in-person guest lectures further familiarise students’ digital capabilities particularly in relation with new evolving sustainability international policies in the UK and internationally.

Employability: By actively participating in all module activities, students develop a range of employability skills. Working to develop a policy brief is a core skill for a wide range of tourism and transport organisations employing our graduates. By familiarising themselves with contemporary policy challenges at local, national and international levels (e.g. COP-26 hosted in the UK), students equip themselves with essential understanding of how such policies are shaped. Additionally, students work in pairs and in groups to complete formative assessments during the weekly tutorials, which is a core skill for relevant job roles alongside essential communication skills.

Sustainability: International transport policy and planning has sustainability at its core. Students are taught about the different aspects of sustainability each week, particularly with a policy focus. Communicating key sustainability challenges to policy makers through the Policy Brief and the Group Presentation, supports students in developing their own understanding of emerging challenges in the UK and/or their country of origin.

Resourcefulness and Resilience: Asking students to specify a policy challenge for the Policy Brief and a transport policy for the Group Presentation tests their resourcefulness. The recommendations provided through their Group Presentation are shared with a policy maker in the UK (e.g. Surrey County Council) to check their applicability and long-term resilience.

Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2023/4 academic year.