Module code: MANM050

Module Overview

Visitor attractions are a key element of the tourist experience and a major element of a tourist destination. This module explores types of visitor attractions, identifying key attributes of each type and the management of visitor attractions worldwide using extensive real-world case studies. This module also investigates the functional management of visitor attractions, managing impacts of visitor attraction management on local environment, society and economy and taking into consideration ethical issues in visitor attraction management and risk management and the application of technology and innovation in visitor attraction management. 

Module provider

Surrey Hospitality & Tourism Management

Module Leader

RODRIGUEZ Isabel (Hosp & Tour)

Number of Credits: 15

ECTS Credits: 7.5

Framework: FHEQ Level 7

Module cap (Maximum number of students): N/A

Overall student workload

Independent Learning Hours: 105

Lecture Hours: 11

Seminar Hours: 22

Guided Learning: 11

Captured Content: 1

Module Availability

Semester 2

Prerequisites / Co-requisites


Module content

This module content covers: 

  • types of visitor attractions; 

  • key attributes of each type of visitor attraction; 

  • management of visitor attractions; 

  • technology and innovation in visitor attraction management; 

  • functional and operational management of visitor attractions; 

  • marketing and branding of visitor attractions; 

  • managing impacts of visitor management; 

  • accessibility in visitor attraction management;  

  • risk management in visitor attractions 

Assessment pattern

Assessment type Unit of assessment Weighting
Oral exam or presentation Group Presentation 30
Coursework Individual Report (2000 words) 70

Alternative Assessment

 In the event that a group project is not be suitable, an individual essay (2500 words) will be assigned. 

Assessment Strategy

The assessment strategy is designed to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to apply theory to practice, and to ensure that students have achieved the required level of knowledge and understanding about the subject. 

Summative assessment for this module consists of: 

  1. Group Presentation 

Students in groups of 4-6 should undertake a critically analysis and evaluation of key success factors of the management of a visitor attraction. The presentation must be succinct,critical and supported by evidence, relevant concepts and theories. A reflection on the process- how was the assessment carried out, key positives and challenges and how they were handled by the group, and what were the key learnings from the process must be included. Success is a subjective construct and this can be interpreted in many different ways: for example, the attraction is worldwide renowned and receives a great number of visitors, it has managed to re-invent itself or keep up with the times, it has achieved and maintained a great notoriety in the tourism industry or it has a very notorious and effective interpretation plan. 

The presentation should last 10 minutes maximum followed by 5 minutes Q&A.  

  1. Individual Report Assignment 

Students are required to choose 2 out of 7 areas of visitor attraction management which are: marketing, human resource management, impacts of visitor attraction management, operation management, authenticity, ethical issues and technology and innovation, and write report of up to 2000 words. The report is designed to allow students to present a coherent argument on their chosen topics using sound theoretical underpinning, evidence from industry and logical analysis. The report topics will test students’ knowledge and understanding of the subject areas as well as their ability to relate theory with practice. 

Formative Assessment and Feedback
Feedback on student performance during the module includes: 

  • Use of review questions and case studies 

  • Review of mini presentations on the group assignment 

  • Verbal feedback in seminar and an assignment consultation session 

  • Scheduled series of assessment preparation session prior to the end of semester 

Module aims

  • To understand types and key attributes of different visitor attractions
  • To critically evaluate concepts and theories of visitor attraction management
  • To understand the concept of interpretation and the roles and methods available
  • To critically analyse and evaluate the impacts of visitor attraction management on environment, society and economy
  • To critically analyse ethical issues in visitor attraction management
  • To identify, evaluate and mitigate potential risks in visitor attraction management

Learning outcomes

Attributes Developed
001 In depth knowledge of the concepts and theories related to visitor attraction management KC
002 Identify and apply the relevant concepts and theories to the practice of visitor attraction management KCP
003 Critically evaluate impacts of visitor attractions on the environment, society and economy KCPT
004 Evaluate a wide range of approaches and techniques relevant to strategic and sustainable management of visitor attractions PT
005 Develop a critical understanding of the ability to evaluate current and potential technological advances and innovation in visitor attraction management KCPT
006 Propose new areas for investigations / new problems / new or alternative applications and methodological approaches KCP
007 Critically analyse ethical issues in visitor attraction management KCPT

Attributes Developed

C - Cognitive/analytical

K - Subject knowledge

T - Transferable skills

P - Professional/Practical skills

Methods of Teaching / Learning

The learning and teaching strategy is designed to: 

  • provide an insight of the existing knowledge about key aspects of visitor attraction management, for example, services marketing, operation management, and international tourism management  

  • enable students to critically analyse and synthesise management issues and problems in global and intercultural setting which are related to the visitor attraction management and produce constructive, realistic and innovative recommendations 

  • equip students with critical thinking and problem-solving skills to develop resourcefulness and resilience 

  • provide students with employability opportunities through guest speakers and field trips to visitor attractions 

The learning and teaching methods include:  

Lectures, seminar discussions and debates, presentations, case study analysis, and observation and reflection on field trip will synthesize relevant concepts and theories as well as discuss topical issues which the students will be called upon to further explore through independent guided learning activities. These L&T activities are designed explicitly to develop students’ critical ability and comprehension of the issues addressed through active and engaged learning which will:

1) enable students to develop their team-working skills and inter-personal communication skills. During seminars, students will participate in group discussions and give oral presentations, so that they can continue to develop these skills.  

2) allow students to further develop their global and cultural capabilities thanks to group project, class discussions and seminars among students from different countries and with diverse cultural backgrounds.

3) the critical nature of the in-class discussions on various real-world case studies helps foster openness by encouraging students to understand topical issues from multiple and contrasting perspectives. 

Indicated Lecture Hours (which may also include seminars, tutorials, workshops and other contact time) are approximate and may include in-class tests where one or more of these are an assessment on the module. In-class tests are scheduled/organised separately to taught content and will be published on to student personal timetables, where they apply to taken modules, as soon as they are finalised by central administration. This will usually be after the initial publication of the teaching timetable for the relevant semester.

Reading list
Upon accessing the reading list, please search for the module using the module code: MANM050

Other information

This module has a capped number and may not be available to ERASMUS and other international exchange students. Please check with the Global Engagement Office exchange and study abroad team.

This module adopts the university curriculum framework which aims to develop learners with strong capabilities in Employability, Digital Capabilities, Global and Cultural Capabilities, Sustainability and Resourcefulness and Resilience. This module contributes to the development of the following capabilities: 

 Global and Cultural Capabilities: The module revolves around the development and management of visitor attractions from a global perspective. Students develop an understanding of the influence of different global and intercultural settings in the management of visitor attractions and how these can turn specific problems or barriers. Since students are from different countries with diverse cultural backgrounds, class discussions and seminar exercises will be used to reinforce students’ global and cultural capabilities. 

Digital CapabilitiesTeaching and learning materials are provided in several formats, and students are encouraged to use discussion boards for communication. Students will be provided instruction on digital literature review searches that support their development of independent learning and successful assessment preparation. Students will use the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), SurreyLearn, video conferencing platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams to facilitate learning. These include accessing teaching and learning materials and engaging with their instructors and peers. 

Employability: Guest lecturers and attraction managers will present up-to-date insights into specific visitor attractions and their management so the students can have the opportunity to learn directly from visitor attractions managers. A field trip to an emblematic attraction will provide further opportunities to gain insights on the issues surrounding the management of attractions (impacts, risks, marketing, planning, innovation, etc.). Students will gain knowledge on current tourism attractions and be taught to critically evaluate how these have emerged, evolved and were managed throughout their life cycle. They will also learn how to develop strategies to manage these attractions. All these skills can be transferred to various situations at future workplaces, including problem-solving tasks. Listening the discourses of tourism stakeholders can inspire and nurture the entrepreneurial spirit of the students. 

Sustainability: This module motivates students to critically evaluate the success factors and the difficulties of visitor attraction management faced by managers of tourism attractions through case studies analysis and class discussions. Students will be guided in developing recommendations for minimizing negative impacts of tourism for these types of attractions and the tourism destinations hosting them so they can be sustainable in the long term and with higher chances of being crisis resilient.   

Resourcefulness and Resilience: The assessment strategy which comprises two stages; in group and individual assessment. Through this strategy, this module empowers students to build their critical insights into the assessment and create spaces for students to reflect on their own and in group. The structured schedule of the two-stage assessment will also support students in developing presentation and public speaking skills. Also, students are motivated to make informed decisions from a range of options as to which aspect of their work they would like to request feedback. The critical nature of the in-class discussion will help foster openness by encouraging students to understand and discuss contrasting perspectives. 


Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2024/5 academic year.