Module code: PSYM164

Module Overview

This module runs alongside the other modules in order to facilitate the practical implementation of the theoretical concepts being taught in the other modules. Experiential learning and reflective practice will be emphasised throughout the teaching and delivery of all the modules. This module will specifically help trainees ensure that they are practising in line with the ethical and professional requirements of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) and help trainees to refine therapeutic process and practice through the use of CBT supervision and self-practice. Trainees are expected to engage in supervision of their practice using 'live' video recordings of their client work and are expected to contribute to their own and others learning using constructive feedback. CBT supervision of work-based practice will also be facilitated and quality-managed by the programme. Trainees are supported to learn about and engage in their own cognitive and behavioural self-practice and self-reflection, where they will reflect on the process of undertaking the CBT techniques on themselves. They will elicit and work with their therapist beliefs and be taught strategies to enhance their well-being, resilience and development as competent and ethical CBT therapists, as well as deepening their understanding of working with difference and diversity.

We acknowledge that this module has drawn on research that historically privileges White, Male and Westernised epistemologies, assumptions, theories and outcome research that may not fully reflect the diversity of students and the populations we serve, and in some cases discriminate against more diverse perspectives. We are actively working together to develop a less biased and more balanced knowledge base through more varied reading lists, culturally sensitive application, diverse case studies and assessment rubrics. We welcome the collaboration with our students in the endeavour to provide a more robust, just, and inclusive representation of the discipline.

Module provider


Module Leader

O'CONNOR Amy (Psychology)

Number of Credits: 30

ECTS Credits: 15

Framework: FHEQ Level 7

Module cap (Maximum number of students): N/A

Overall student workload

Workshop Hours: 39.5

Independent Learning Hours: 150

Lecture Hours: 13

Tutorial Hours: 2

Practical/Performance Hours: 62

Guided Learning: 31

Captured Content: 2.5

Module Availability

Year long

Prerequisites / Co-requisites


Module content

  • The role of supervision and how to use supervision effectively

  • Weekly group supervision of clinical training cases

  • CBT self-practice and self-reflection sessions CTS-R (clinical competency scale) self- ratings and reflective writing/logs

  • Expert by experience involvement

  • Ethical, professional and cultural considerations in clinical practice.

  • Portfolio workshops and portfolio of clinical practice, evidencing integration of theory and practice

Assessment pattern

Assessment type Unit of assessment Weighting
Coursework Reflective Essay 100
Coursework Practice Portfolio Pass/Fail

Alternative Assessment


Assessment Strategy

Through both formative and summative assignments trainees will be given feedback from lecturers, clinical supervisors and peers which will enable them to reflect on their skills, values and beliefs, and their application of theory to their clinical practice.

The assessment is specifically designed to:

  • Assess ability to demonstrate effective use of supervision by being prepared for supervision, with both case records and supervision questions, as well as be able to give and receive constructive feedback to enhance learning.

  • Assess ability to critically evaluate and reflect upon their application of CBT theory to practice, their therapeutic style and the use of CBT techniques on themselves both personally and professionally.

  • Assess the development of competent, reflective, resilient and resourceful CBT practitioners

  • Evaluate the development of safe and ethical cognitive behavioural practitioners, adhering to BABCP code of practice, to ensure the trainees become highly employable individuals in the relevant workplace.

Feedback: Trainees will receive feedback in a number of ways both written and verbal: directly through weekly course and service clinical supervision, during scheduled tutorials, and their mid-way review and end of supervision report. They will also have an opportunity to receive feedback from lecturers and peers during self-practice and self-reflection workshops and scheduled reflective groups discussion

Thus, the summative assessment for this module consists of:

  • A reflective essay, focusing on their use of CBT on themselves through self-practice or evaluating the use and effectiveness of CBT supervision for their current and future practice (Assess LO 2, 3, 4, 5, 7)

  • Practice portfolio: to include evidence of meeting all clinical competencies required by the Professional body (BABCP) and National Curriculum for High Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Courses, including a self-reflection summarising their learning journey across the year, highlighting strengths and areas for continued professional development, an End of year Course and Service Supervisor Report and a Course Progress review . (Assess LO 1-10)

Formative assessments:

  • 1 treatment session - video CTS-R to be submitted and marked by workplace supervisor

  •  A mid-course review meeting/report with course and service supervisors to discuss clinical progress & a mid-course Tutor review.

  • Engagement in Self-practice and self-reflection experiential exercises with lecturer and peer support and use of digital discussion boards

Module aims

  • To integrate theoretical cognitive behavioural therapy into competent clinical practice.
  • To ensure ethical and professional practice in line with the BABCP code of practice, through the effective use of supervision methods and self-practice and self-reflection.
  • To develop reflective, resilient and resourceful Cognitive Behavioural therapists

Learning outcomes

Attributes Developed
001 Demonstrate ability to carry out psychological assessments and coherent Cognitive Behavioural formulations and interventions with clients diagnosed with a range of Anxiety Disorders and Depression, face to face and online KP
002 Demonstrate ability to integrate theory with practice and pay attention to issues within the therapeutic relationship and the supervisory relationship KP
003 Demonstrate ability to critically evaluate the clinical work undertaken and ability to reflect on own position in the work undertaken, including therapist beliefs and values CPT
004 Demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts of reflective practice particularly in the context of cognitive behavioural self-practice and self-reflection PT
005 Demonstrate an understanding of working with diversity and difference PT
006 Demonstrate engagement with organisational and professional issues in line with the BABCP code of practice KP
007 Demonstrate effective use of clinical supervision P
008 Demonstrate an awareness of continuing professional development P
009 Demonstrate competent self-organisation and clinical note writing skills (portfolio planning, scheduling and time management) PT
010 Knowledge of how to work collaboratively with experts by experience and their carers KP

Attributes Developed

C - Cognitive/analytical

K - Subject knowledge

T - Transferable skills

P - Professional/Practical skills

Methods of Teaching / Learning

Emphasise experiential learning and reflective practice; this is regarded as central to skill development, enhancing procedural and reflective systems of learning and will help trainees refine therapeutic process and practice. Through the use of supervision of their clinical practice (using ¿live¿ video recordings of their client work) trainees contribute to their own and others learning using feedback and constructive criticism as well as receiving expert professional guidance from experienced accredited CBT therapists. CBT supervision of work-based practice will also be facilitated and quality-managed by the programme. Trainees are supported to learn about and engage in their own cognitive and behavioural self-practice and self-reflection, where they will reflect on the process of undertaking the CBT techniques on themselves. They will elicit and work with their therapist beliefs and be taught strategies to enhance their well-being, resilience and development as competent and ethical CBT therapists. Specific methods include: Clinical supervision; from both course and clinical service, portfolio workshops, class discussion, self-practice and self-reflection workshops, reviewing and rating treatment video recordings, tutorials and guided reading. In addition, the trainees will have lectures/workshops on the role of continued professional development, the role of supervision, how to use supervision effectively and professional and ethical issues and have an opportunity to hear from experts by experience, All these strategies support the development of highly competent, ethical, reflective, and resilient cognitive behavioural therapists.

Indicated Lecture Hours (which may also include seminars, tutorials, workshops and other contact time) are approximate and may include in-class tests where one or more of these are an assessment on the module. In-class tests are scheduled/organised separately to taught content and will be published on to student personal timetables, where they apply to taken modules, as soon as they are finalised by central administration. This will usually be after the initial publication of the teaching timetable for the relevant semester.

Reading list

Upon accessing the reading list, please search for the module using the module code: PSYM164

Other information

The school of Psychology and PGDip in Psychological Intervention is committed to developing graduates with strengths in Employability, Digital Capabilities, Global and Cultural Capabilities, Sustainability, and Resourcefulness and Resilience. This module is designed to allow students to develop knowledge, skills, and capabilities in the following areas:

Digital capabilities: Trainees are required to work with a minimum of 2 of their training cases online to meet the requirements of the BABCP (including screen sharing and devising documents online). Trainees will be expected to access and utilise resources on SurreyLearn, which tutors can monitor via the Surrey Engagement tool as well as Poll everywhere, Kahoot, Wordwall and Padlet. Tutors will provide opportunities to watch videos, listen to audios resources, and podcasts to diversify learning opportunities and enhance engagement. Students will be required to digitally record therapy sessions in order to engage meaningfully with supervision, submit assignments and meet accrediting body requirements. They will also engage in posting reflections on online discussion boards throughout the year.

Employability: Trainees will be supported to build CBT competencies throughout the module with the aim that they will be eligible for professional accreditation with the BABCP on completion of the course. Trainees are expected to hold a clinical caseload within a talking therapies service, alongside participating in the course. This provides trainees with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills required to develop their clinical practice. Within the lectures, skills workshops, and clinical supervision, trainees will be encouraged to reflect on their progress and will be given multiple opportunities to receive feedback from tutors/supervisors to help them move toward the competency required for employment.

Global and cultural capabilities: Teaching will be provided to support trainees to gain knowledge about access, and delivery of CBT across different cultural groups, and diverse populations. They are encouraged to consider the implications for clinical practice and reflect this within their presentation of clinical cases in supervision and throughout their assignments. The inclusion of experts by experience means that trainees get to meet with and engage with clients from diverse experiences and backgrounds.

Resourcefulness and Resilience: This module particularly focuses on trainee resilience and resourcefulness. The self-practice and self-reflection sessions directly help to support trainees well-being and coping skills and helps them to identify and work with beliefs and or behaviours which might be unhelpful or unhealthy for them both personally and professionally. The regular supervision of client work both on the course and within their workplace ensure that they are supported and have a space to normalise experience. The course works very closely with the trainee and their clinical workplace to ensure communication is transparent and trainees issues are identified and problem solved in a timely way. The clinical managers and supervisor regularly attend meetings with the University across the year to discuss trainee progress and well-being.

Sustainability: Practice portfolio is now submitted in digital form rather than as a hard copy. All session resources are posted on Surreylearn

Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2024/5 academic year.