Mathematics MSc - 2023/4

Awarding body

University of Surrey

Teaching institute

University of Surrey


FHEQ Levels 6 and 7

Final award and programme/pathway title

MSc Mathematics

Subsidiary award(s)

Award Title
PGDip Mathematics
PGCert Mathematics

Modes of study

Route code Credits and ECTS Credits
Full-time PGB61007 180 credits and 90 ECTS credits

QAA Subject benchmark statement (if applicable)

Mathematics, Statistics and Operational (Master)

Other internal and / or external reference points


Faculty and Department / School

Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences - Mathematics & Physics

Programme Leader

BRODY Dorje (Maths & Phys)

Date of production/revision of spec


Educational aims of the programme

  • To provide graduates with a strong background in advanced mathematical theory and its applications to the solution of real problems.
  • To develop students understanding of core areas in advanced mathematics including standard tools for the solution of real life applied mathematical problems.
  • To develop the skill of formulating a mathematical problem from a purely verbal description.
  • To develop the skill of writing a sophisticated mathematical report and, additionally, in presenting the results in the form of an oral presentation.
  • To lay a foundation for carrying out mathematical research leading to a research degree and/or a career as a professional mathematician in an academic or non-academic setting.

Programme learning outcomes

Attributes Developed Awards Ref.
Ability to demonstrate knowledge of key techniques in advanced mathematics and to apply those techniques in problem solving. C PGCert, PGDip, MSc
Ability to formulate a mathematical description of a problem that may be described only verbally. C PGCert, PGDip, MSc
An understanding of possible shortcomings of mathematical descriptions of reality. C PGCert, PGDip, MSc
Professional practical skills for a research mathematician are fluency in advanced mathematical theory, the ability to interpret the results of the application of that theory, an awareness of any weaknesses in the assumptions being made and of possible shortcomings with model predictions, and the skill of writing an extended and sophisticated mathematical report and of verbally summarising its content to specialist and/or non-specialist audiences. P PGCert, PGDip, MSc
Ability to reason logically and creatively. T PGCert, PGDip, MSc
Effective oral presentation skills. T PGCert
Written report writing skills. T PGCert
Skills in independent learning. T PGCert
Time management. T PGCert, PGDip, MSc
Use of information and technology T PGCert, PGDip, MSc
Knowledge of the core theory and methods of advanced pure and applied mathematics and how to apply that theory to real life problems. K PGCert, PGDip, MSc
Ability to use software such as MATLAB and IT facilities more generally including research databases such as MathSciNet and Web of Knowledge. C MSc
An in-depth study of a specific problem arising in a research context. K MSc

Attributes Developed

C - Cognitive/analytical

K - Subject knowledge

T - Transferable skills

P - Professional/Practical skills

Programme structure


This Master's Degree programme is studied full-time over one academic year, consisting of 180 credits at FHEQ level 7*. All modules are semester based and worth 15 credits with the exception of project, practice based and dissertation modules.
Possible exit awards include:
- Postgraduate Diploma (120 credits)
- Postgraduate Certificate (60 credits)
*some programmes may contain up to 30 credits at FHEQ level 6.

Programme Adjustments (if applicable)



Year 1 (full-time) - FHEQ Levels 6 and 7

Module Selection for Year 1 (full-time) - FHEQ Levels 6 and 7

Except for the dissertation, all modules are optional, subject only to the requirements noted above (e.g., for the MSc, a minimum of 150 credits must be at Level 7).

Due to limitations on the availability of academics, not every module is offered every year. In a typical academic year, approximately 8 Level 6 modules and 13 Level 7 modules will be offered in addition to the dissertation.

Opportunities for placements / work related learning / collaborative activity

Associate Tutor(s) / Guest Speakers / Visiting Academics N
Professional Training Year (PTY) N
Placement(s) (study or work that are not part of PTY) N
Clinical Placement(s) (that are not part of the PTY scheme) N
Study exchange (Level 5) N
Dual degree N

Quality assurance

The Regulations and Codes of Practice for taught programmes can be found at:

Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2023/4 academic year.