Theatre BA (Hons) - 2023/4

Awarding body

University of Surrey

Teaching institute

University of Surrey


FHEQ Level 6

Final award and programme/pathway title

BA (Hons) Theatre

Subsidiary award(s)

Award Title
Ord Theatre

Professional recognition

Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre (CDMT)
Accredited by the Council for Dance Education and Training (CDET).

Modes of study

Route code Credits and ECTS Credits
Full-time URC13006 120 credits and 60 ECTS credits

QAA Subject benchmark statement (if applicable)

Dance, Drama and Performance

Other internal and / or external reference points


Faculty and Department / School

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - Guildford School of Acting

Programme Leader


Date of production/revision of spec


Educational aims of the programme

  • GSA seeks to enable its students to build on their experiential understanding of theatre and drama, adding to it a level of critical awareness and analytical ability which will enrich their practice and extend their potential, both as interpreters and creators.
  • To integrate practice and research, and make use of and enhance their appreciation of work they have undertaken in training and/or practice as well as providing stimuli to provoke thought, understanding and ability in other areas of theatrical endeavour.
  • To build on its students' practice-based training and/or professional experience
  • To enable trained and experienced theatre practitioners to expand their qualification-base by providing a workable and relevant route to graduate status
  • To enhance the rigour and extensive skill-base of that professional training by enabling students to acquire a similarly rigorous critical understanding
  • To produce students who are able to comply with professional standards of presentation relevant to their selected area of work
  • To produce students who are in a position to contribute more creatively and intelligently to their chosen field as a result of a developed contextual, analytical and critical awareness and an ability to apply that awareness to a variety of texts or situations
  • To provide a significant contribution to GSA's strategy for life-long learning
  • To enable geographically diverse cohorts of students to build on their professional training, while maintaining current employment
  • To enable students to widen their career prospects beyond the field of entertainment by enabling post graduate education and employment opportunities

Programme learning outcomes

Attributes Developed Awards Ref.
Knowledge and understanding of key practitioners, practices and theories of performance. K Ord, BA (Hons)
Knowledge and understanding of a range of theatrical texts, conventions, and key developments in modern theatre. K Ord, BA (Hons)
Knowledge and understanding of the processes by which performance is created, realised and managed. K Ord, BA (Hons)
Develop knowledge and understanding of the impact of past traditions upon contemporary practices. K Ord, BA (Hons)
Identify and discuss key historical and contemporary productions of theatrical significance. K Ord, BA (Hons)
Identify and engage in appropriate independent research demonstrating an awareness and understanding of relevant cultural contexts. C Ord, BA (Hons)
Critically analyse and evaluate dramatic texts within their theatrical, historical, and social context. C Ord, BA (Hons)
Apply a range of critical methods to theatrical representation and express the results cogently, both in writing and presentation. C Ord, BA (Hons)
Identify areas of interest within performance and theatre industry, and evaluate current practices. C Ord, BA (Hons)
Communicate clearly in writing. T Ord, BA (Hons)
Formulate and communicate objective responses. T Ord, BA (Hons)
Apply high levels of personal discipline, time-management, commitment and focus. T Ord, BA (Hons)
Understand and objectively act on constructive criticism. T Ord, BA (Hons)
Create their own original work and evaluate its effectiveness based on appropriate independent research. P Ord
Demonstrate knowledge of and meet professional standards of presentation in their chosen field. P Ord, BA (Hons)
Identify and implement strategies to develop current practices and/or professional profile. P Ord

Attributes Developed

C - Cognitive/analytical

K - Subject knowledge

T - Transferable skills

P - Professional/Practical skills

Programme structure


This Bachelor's Degree (Honours) programme is studied over one year via online learning, consisting of 120 credits at FHEQ level 6. All modules are 15, 30, 45 or 60 credits and are either semester based or year-long. GSA delivers its provision across three teaching blocks, within the University of Surrey¿s existing semester structure.
Possible exit awards include:
- Bachelor's Degree (Ordinary) (300 credits)
- Diploma of Higher Education (240 credits)
- Certificate of Higher Education (120 credits)

Programme Adjustments (if applicable)



Opportunities for placements / work related learning / collaborative activity

Associate Tutor(s) / Guest Speakers / Visiting Academics N
Professional Training Year (PTY) N
Placement(s) (study or work that are not part of PTY) N
Clinical Placement(s) (that are not part of the PTY scheme) N
Study exchange (Level 5) N
Dual degree N

Quality assurance

The Regulations and Codes of Practice for taught programmes can be found at:

Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2023/4 academic year.