Module code: BMSP008

Module Overview

The first placement, A, is taken during the first year at University. Time will be spent at a clinical NHS Trust during the summer break (June – September) and also across the year through community based initiatives. The A Placement will continue to help students to translate and apply the theory and key skills learnt during their first academic year of study and build on these skills practically, throughout their Placement time.

Module provider

School of Biosciences

Module Leader

BETTS Emily (Biosciences)

Number of Credits: 0

ECTS Credits: 0

Framework: Professional Training Year

Module cap (Maximum number of students): N/A

Overall student workload

Workshop Hours: 7

Clinical Placement Hours: 75

Independent Learning Hours: 64

Tutorial Hours: 10

Module Availability

Crosses academic years

Prerequisites / Co-requisites


Module content

Supervised Dietetic Placement - as outlined in Aims and Learning Outcomes

Assessment pattern

Assessment type Unit of assessment Weighting
Practical based assessment Placement A Pass/Fail

Alternative Assessment


Assessment Strategy

The assessment strategy is designed to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate that they have met all LO's. Ongoing assessment takes place through the completion of a portfolio by the student which demonstrates how they have met each learning outcome.

The individual learning outcomes will then be signed off as achieved by their supervisor/s once they have collected sufficient evidence. A final report will be completed at the end of placement by the main student lead/manager, with pass or fail outcome.

Module aims

  • Be introduced to the work of the dietitian
  • Have the opportunity to practise communication skills with patients and health care professionals and demonstrate a good level of communication skills
  • Be aware of the interaction between the dietitian and other health care professionals
  • Gain experience in an institutional food production unit
  • Be aware of the complementary roles of the catering and dietetic service
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge of portion sizes, basic cooking methods , standard recepes and recipet modification and the range of food products available to the general public including nutrient modified foods
  • Undertake nutrient analysis of meals and food intakes and consider its' adequacy
  • Have the opportunity to collect patient information and take diet histories form patients

Learning outcomes

Attributes Developed
001 Have a working knowledge of all disciplines required for A Placement KT
002 Be familiar with the range of food products available to the public including major nutrient-modified foods and ready prepared meals KT
003 Be aware of how the use of nutrient-modified foods can influence the diet both quantitatively and qualitatively KT
004 Have a working knowledge and pratical experience of producing both standards and modified recipes KT
005 Be able to demonstrate the ability to analyse and calculate individuals nutritional intake both by hand and computer assisted analysis KT
006 Appreciate the factors to be considered in all aspects of menu planning KT
007 Appreciate the process of meal selection, service and delivery within an institutional food production unit KT
008 Be aware of the major health and safety issues within the learning environment KT
009 Demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively with patients T
010 Demonstrate an ability to communicate with healthcare professionals T
011 Be able to feedback to supervising dietitians about experiences/feedback T
012 Demonstrate an ability to collect and record relevant patient information and take diet histories PT
013 Demonstrate an ability to maintain confidentiality PT
014 Be aware of the need to respect the point of view of patients and why it is important to avoid discrimination PT
015 Demonstrate an interest in and a commitment to the work of dietitians PT
016 Demonstrate a professional appearance and behaviour PT
017 Be able to explain the reason and need for the standards of conduct, performance and ethics KPT

Attributes Developed

C - Cognitive/analytical

K - Subject knowledge

T - Transferable skills

P - Professional/Practical skills

Methods of Teaching / Learning

Learning and Teaching methods will include observation and practical application of knowledge with individuals, in groups and other professionals. There is defined task-based learning during which will include communication skills, reflection, multidisciplinary working and feeding back to supervisors. Constructive feedback will be given throughout all aspect of Placement A.  There will independent study required throughout this module in addition to tutorial led discussions and tasks.

Indicated Lecture Hours (which may also include seminars, tutorials, workshops and other contact time) are approximate and may include in-class tests where one or more of these are an assessment on the module. In-class tests are scheduled/organised separately to taught content and will be published on to student personal timetables, where they apply to taken modules, as soon as they are finalised by central administration. This will usually be after the initial publication of the teaching timetable for the relevant semester.

Reading list
Upon accessing the reading list, please search for the module using the module code: BMSP008

Other information


Programmes this module appears in

Programme Semester Classification Qualifying conditions
Nutrition and Dietetics BSc (Hons) Cross Year Compulsory A pass as determined by the relevant criteria is required to pass the module

Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2022/3 academic year.