Module code: VMS4008

Module Overview

This module will comprise of four clinical practice units, companion animal, intensive production, equine and production practice. The content combines the previous knowledge of body systems, with husbandry and management of the animal into the context of holistic veterinary clinical medicine at the various stages of the life cycle. The emphasis will be on maintaining animal health, welfare, productivity and performance through a proactive approach, working in partnership with animal managers/owners.

Module provider

School of Veterinary Medicine

Module Leader


Number of Credits: 60

ECTS Credits: 30

Framework: FHEQ Level 7

Module cap (Maximum number of students): N/A

Overall student workload

Workshop Hours: 17

Independent Learning Hours: 318

Lecture Hours: 85

Seminar Hours: 32

Practical/Performance Hours: 69

Guided Learning: 65

Captured Content: 14

Module Availability

Year long

Prerequisites / Co-requisites

Successful completion of all Year 3 modules of the BVMSci programme

Module content

The knowledge, skills and attributes to support companion, production, equine and intensive production will be covered within the teaching and assessment of this module.

Assessment pattern

Assessment type Unit of assessment Weighting
Examination Online Online(Closed Book) Companion Exam Fixed Start Time (90 min) 25
Examination Online Online(Closed Book) Intensive Exam Fixed Start Time (90 min) 25
Practical based assessment Clinical Practice Portfolio Pass/Fail
Examination Online Online(Closed Book) Production Exam Fixed Start Time (90 min) 25
Examination Online Online(Closed Book) Equine Exam Fixed Start Time (90 min) 25
Examination Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) Pass/Fail

Alternative Assessment


Assessment Strategy

The assessment strategy is designed to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate: • Clinical and professional skills • Problem solving skills, ability to assimilate and interpret diagnostic findings • Clinical reasoning and case-management skills at an individual/population level. • Knowledge of animal health management protocols. • Client ‘education focussed’ communication skills • Understanding of the relationships between life-stage, disease risk and preventative strategies, health and welfare. • Demonstrate day one clinical skills, in the context of simulation training and making use of live animal resources if appropriate, within a must-pass clinical skills portfolio.

There are six units of assessment that must be passed: the four individual Written Examinations, the OSCE and the Clinical Practice portfolio.

Written examinations for this module consists of:  

Companion Animal Practice Written Examination - 25% of the module mark (90 minutes) Core

Intensive Production and Laboratory Animal Practice Written Examination - 25% of the module mark (90 minutes) Core

Equine Practice Written Examination - 25% of the module mark (90 minutes) Core

Production Animal Practice Written Examination - 25% of the module mark (90 minutes) Core

The pass mark for each of the 4 written examinations is 50%. 

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) PASS/FAIL Core

To obtain a pass in the OSCE unit of assessment, 80% of the stations need to be passed.


Clinical Practice Portfolio PASS/FAIL Core

Companion animal practice (25%) Steeplechase In-class test

Intensive production practice (25%) Group Herd Health Report

Equine practice (25%) In-class test

Production practice (25%) Group Herd Health Management Audit

General clinical examination peer review of three core species (completion task) 

Clinical Skills Log (completion task)

Grand-rounds attendance and case presentation (completion task)

To obtain a pass in the Clinical Practice Portfolio an aggregate of 50% of the weighted portfolio assets and completion of all the other assets is required.

Module aims

  • Apply existing knowledge, clinical and professional skills to companion animal, production, intensive production, and equine practice across the different stages of the animal's life.
  • Develop a rational, problem solving approach to the common presentations in companion animal, production, intensive production and equine practice at an individual and/or herd/flock/colony level.
  • Emphasise the role of the veterinary surgeon in promoting animal health and welfare through a proactive, evidenced-based, and cost-effective approach to, including prevention and control, through partnership with managers/owners.

Learning outcomes

Attributes Developed
001 Demonstrate a rational, evidence-based, problem-solving approach to the common presentations in companion animal, production, intensive production and equine practice, taking into consideration the industry/situation the vet is working in, and the use of the animal. For example the horse¿s use as an athlete within the various equestrian disciplines: understanding the role of the vet in optimising athletic function whilst maintaining good health. KCT RCVS D1C 2,3,4,6,10,13,14,23,24,25,30,31,39,45 RCVS KU 1, 5
002 Discuss the role of shelter/herd/flock/colony medicine and take account of important considerations in the management of their health and welfare. KCPT RCVS D1C 1,9,14,26,37,38,39,41,44,45 RCVS KU 4,7
003 Obtain accurate historical and factual information pertaining to a clinical scenario, demonstrating clear and professional communication skills. PT RCVS D1C 1,17,20,22,26 RCVCS KU 11
004 Interpret the findings of clinical examinations, weighing their significance, in order to prioritise problem lists, synthesize differential diagnoses, and establish appropriate diagnostic plans, considering both welfare and economics. KCPT RCVS D1C 3,13,14,24,25,26,30,31,37,39 RCVS KU 1, 5
005 Identify the common and important techniques for obtaining diagnostic samples, know when their use is appropriate and interpret findings. KP RCVS D1C 24, 31,45 RCVS KU 5
006 Identify and implement routine diagnostic imaging techniques and interpret findings. KP RCVS D1C 24,32, RCVS KU 5
007 Interpret findings of health data analyses from groups of animals, integrating these with observations and weighing their significance, in order to prioritise problem lists, synthesize differential diagnoses, and establish appropriate diagnostic plans, considering both welfare and economics. KCP RCVS D1C 2,3,13,14,24,25,26,30,37,39,45 RCVS KU 5,9
008 Describe and develop a management plan for the common and important disorders in relation to the stage of their life stage/production cycle/performance, including giving appropriate consideration to euthanasia. KC RCVS14,23,24,25,26,34,35,39 RCVS KU 8
009 Demonstrate a rational approach to therapeutic decision making, with regard responsible medicines use and within the context of Public Health. CT RCVS D1C 2,7,23,25,26,34,39,44 RCVS KU 5,8
010 Devise and implement a strategic preventive health strategy appropriate for the management of individuals and groups of animals, including biosecurity. KCPT RCVS D1C 14,17,23,25,37,39,40,41,43,44, RCVS KU 5,6,7,8,9
011 Recognise signs of possible zoonotic and exotic diseases and take appropriate action. KC RCVS D1C 24,25,26,38,39,40,44,45 RCVS KU 6,7,10
012 Discuss the importance of some animal units as a business (e.g. shelter, farm, stud), and take account of the role of economics in informing diagnostic, therapeutic and preventative decision-making. KC RCVS D1C 2,9,14,15,16,19,25,26,29,39,41 RCVS KU 4
013 Describe and enact the role of the veterinarian as an educator and advocate for the health and welfare animals in their care. KCPT RCVS D1C 17,18,19,26,37,41,43 RCVS KU 3,9,11
014 Develop and rehearse effective communication skills to help motivate, manage and sustain change towards improved animal health, welfare, production and performance. CPT RCVS D1C 1,13,14,17,18,19,20,21,22,26,41,45 RCVS KU 11
015 Demonstrate a range of Day 1 clinical skills in companion animal, production, intensive production and equine practice. Giving appropriate consideration to the health and safety aspects and recognising their own limitations by asking for help when required. KCPT RCVS D1C 10,14,25-35,40,44,45 RCVS KU 5
016 Apply the principles of EBVM and ¿lifelong learning¿, and develop skills in reflective practice. KCT RCVS D1C 3,4,11,12 RCVS KU 1

Attributes Developed

C - Cognitive/analytical

K - Subject knowledge

T - Transferable skills

P - Professional/Practical skills

Methods of Teaching / Learning

The knowledge, skills and attributes to support companion, production, equine and intensive production will be covered through a range of teaching modalities which may include the following: • Lectures (including flipped classroom) • Practical teaching • Case based learning • Self-directed learning • Simulation and role play • Group learning • Simulation training • E-learning

Indicated Lecture Hours (which may also include seminars, tutorials, workshops and other contact time) are approximate and may include in-class tests where one or more of these are an assessment on the module. In-class tests are scheduled/organised separately to taught content and will be published on to student personal timetables, where they apply to taken modules, as soon as they are finalised by central administration. This will usually be after the initial publication of the teaching timetable for the relevant semester.

Reading list
Upon accessing the reading list, please search for the module using the module code: VMS4008

Other information

Details of the content and assessments can be found in the module handbook.

Programmes this module appears in

Programme Semester Classification Qualifying conditions
Veterinary Medicine and Science BVMSci (Hons)(CORE) Year-long Core Each unit of assessment must be passed at 50% to pass the module

Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2023/4 academic year.