Module code: GCAM017
Module Overview
Through the completion of six connected themes , and a series of contextual challenges established throughout the programme participants will: ¿ develop an understanding of the complex interrelationship between learning and teaching in Higher Education ¿ develop an ability to respond appropriately to individual, identified challenges ¿ adopt a questioning approach that can support the development of their own future practice as they evolve and develop
Module provider
Surrey Institute of Education
Module Leader
GRAVETT Karen (Sy Inst Educ)
Number of Credits: 0
ECTS Credits: 0
Framework: FHEQ Level 7
Module cap (Maximum number of students): N/A
Overall student workload
Workshop Hours: 54
Independent Learning Hours: 506
Lecture Hours: 12
Seminar Hours: 10
Tutorial Hours: 12
Practical/Performance Hours: 6
Module Availability
Crosses academic years
Prerequisites / Co-requisites
Module content
The programme runs over 18 months depending on route. The programme is formed of 6 themed sections, themes which cover all aspects of the UKPSF and lead to FHEA status.
Each participant works in a small interdisciplinary group with tutors from SIoE and across the institution through each theme, attending selected sessions as appropriate. The themed sections are constituted of a range of tutorials, presentations, debates, online learning and workshops. Participants can tailor much of the programme, alongside the input of their tutors, to their own interests and disciplines where they will be able to apply a range of pedagogic theories to their practice and demonstrate engagement with the UKPSF and the outcomes of the programme. The six themed sections are:
Theme 1: Professional Development
Demonstrate engagement with professional development and the ability to reflect and relate theories and implications to practice. Undertaken through the completion of a series of five CPD sessions.
AFHEA participants who transfer on to the PGCert will need to go on to complete the final two professional development CPD sessions to bring the total number to five.
Theme 2:
Different Voices
Recognise key aspects related to learning and teaching and student and teacher perspectives. Undertaken through a one-month engagement with a SPOC/MOOC developed by SIoE staff, the Eduinterns and the Student Union.
Theme 3: Reflective Practice
Evaluate and reflect on practice through an engagement with teaching observation Undertaken throughout the programme, starting with a microteaching session for all. FHEA participants will then engage in both being observed (twice) and being an observer (once) to stimulate self-evaluation and the provision of critical feedback to others. The final observation is assessed and must be successfully completed.
Theme 4: Context and Policy
Demonstrate understanding of context and policy within the learning and teaching environment and the impact this has on practice Undertaken in the second section of the programme through attendance at a series of sessions and online recordings that outline key policy issues within the discipline, institution or national context.
Theme 5: Learning Design
Examine course structure, design and delivery and explore the complex interrelationship between learning and teaching Undertaken in the second section of the programme following the periodic enhancement process to evaluate and report on the provision of a particular module/programme at the university.
Theme 6: Theory-Practice
Understand educational research approaches to specified disciplinary or institutional challenges related to learning and teaching Undertaken in the second section of the programme participants select a research area from those provided and set about proposing a research approach to gain appropriate and valid data. NB: Any participant who completes Themes 2 & 3 and the minimum of three CPD elements of Theme 1 may be eligible for AFHEA following the submission of the associated sections of the portfolio and undertaken an oral assessment in line with the final assessment but covering the relevant elements of the portfolio submitted to meet the requirements for AFHEA.
Assessment pattern
Assessment type | Unit of assessment | Weighting |
Practical based assessment | Teaching observation (FHEA) | Pass/Fail |
Oral exam or presentation | Oral conversation (FHEA) | 100 |
Alternative Assessment
Assessment Strategy
Thus, the summative assessment for this module consists of:
FHEA one hour Teaching Observation (pass/fail)
FHEA one hour Oral Conversation based on the online portfolio (100%)
The portfolio submission (written or recorded/combination of written/recorded) will form the basis of a dialogue with three colleagues, that will last for approximately 60 minutes. These three colleagues will include the participants' tutor, another member of the SIoE and another colleague with expertise in Learning and Teaching (DLT, SET Framework participant). The assessment will conclude that either the participant has achieved a pass or that they have amendments to make leading to a further submission and oral in line with university regulations.
(After the completion of Themes 2-3 (and three CPD sessions from Theme 1) - 9 months into the 18 months participants need to pass the teaching observation to progress to complete Themes 4-6 and the final 2 professional development CPD sessions).
Formative assessment and feedback
Portfolio Sections for completion
An online portfolio of evidence will be developed by each participant. The exact format of this will be discussed with participants but can and should reflect both the requirements of the UKPSF to enable that it meets FHEA, can be designed to reflect the disciplinary focus of the participant and promotes effective engagement with aspects of learning and teaching as noted below. However, there is no set format for the portfolio which can either be presented in written format, or through video, or a combination.
During each section of the programme participants will complete a submission to their online portfolio, as detailed below. This will then be submitted by an agreed date. To enable the summative assessments to be scheduled each section of the portfolio must be fully completed. The aim of the assessment is for participants to demonstrate the programme outcomes and in so doing meet the UKPSF at FHEA.
The following six sections must be evidenced: Portfolio sections:
1. Professional development: 1000-1500 words* reflecting on five selected resources (i.e. paper, book chapter, video).
2. Different voices: 1500-2000 words reflecting on the different perspectives surfaced on four areas identified within a 4-week online course.
3. Reflective practice: 1000-1500 words exploring the value of engaging in feedback from others via observation, the utility of self-evaluating and communicating feedback on practice.
4. Context and policy: 1500 words that critique the impact of a selected policy on the learning and teaching environment at Surrey or nationally, highlighting the positive and challenging aspects related to participants practice that are created as a consequence.
5. Learning design: 2000-word Self-Evaluation Document for a programme as part of the periodic enhancement process.
6. Theory-practice: 2500-word research proposal that would provide data that would inform stakeholder/s related to identified challenge how to complete appropriate research.
Assessment Summary
Portfolio to include 1000-word summary including experience, role and so on.
Formative Feedback
*Note word counts are guides only.
Participants will receive ongoing formative feedback on their portfolio from their lead tutors. This may be take place in a variety of formats: written, oral, video but will be constructive and dialogic.
Module aims
- Develop participant knowledge, skills and understanding of academic practice within Higher Education
- Justify the selection and implementation of appropriate learning and teaching strategies to different contexts
- Develop participant understanding of the depth and breadth of literature on academic practice in relation to learning and teaching at generic and discipline level and the ability to critique this evidence
- Enhance participant understanding and demonstrate the ability to analyse ethical issues and boundaries within learning and teaching.
- Develop participant ability to analyse and reflect upon the dynamics between theory and practice
- Analytically reflect upon the interrelationship of theory and practice, and how this is framed within policy developments
- Apply learning and teaching knowledge when planning their professional and personal development.
Learning outcomes
Attributes Developed | ||
001 | Develop knowledge, skills and understanding of academic practice within Higher Education | CKT |
002 | Justify the selection and implementation of appropriate learning and teaching strategies to different contexts | CPT |
003 | Develop participant understanding of the depth and breadth of literature on academic practice in relation to learning and teaching at generic and discipline level and the ability to critique this evidence | CKPT |
004 | Enhance participant understanding and demonstrate the ability to analyse ethical issues and boundaries within learning and teaching | CKPT |
005 | Analytically reflect upon the interrelationship of theory and practice, and how this is framed within policy developments | CKT |
006 | Apply learning and teaching knowledge when planning their professional and personal development | KPT |
Attributes Developed
C - Cognitive/analytical
K - Subject knowledge
T - Transferable skills
P - Professional/Practical skills
Methods of Teaching / Learning
The learning and teaching strategy is designed to:
Enhance self-directed learning that is focused on the individual development of each participant whilst developing an awareness of the connected and collegiate element of the role. The cohort will be split into two groups (up to 30 participants per group, with two groups per intake) and will be led by two members of SIoE with additional support from those following the SET Framework. Each teaching team will negotiate with their participants the detail of the provision, enabling a flexible and tailored approach based around the agreed outcomes and working towards the portfolio that demonstrates the learning outcomes and covers the relevant elements of the UKPSF. Teaching may therefore vary between groups and approaches will be tailored based on each teaching team, their SET colleagues and the participants. It is likely that the approaches will include large group discussions and short lectures, small group discussions, debates, presentations, group work and individual independent study.
Indicated Lecture Hours (which may also include seminars, tutorials, workshops and other contact time) are approximate and may include in-class tests where one or more of these are an assessment on the module. In-class tests are scheduled/organised separately to taught content and will be published on to student personal timetables, where they apply to taken modules, as soon as they are finalised by central administration. This will usually be after the initial publication of the teaching timetable for the relevant semester.
Reading list
Upon accessing the reading list, please search for the module using the module code: GCAM017
Other information
This programme is aligned to the University of Surrey’s Five Pillars of Curriculum Design and design, namely (in alphabetical order), Digital
Capabilities, Employability, Global and Cultural Capabilities, Resourcefulness & Resilience, and Sustainability. Specifically, these
pillars are covered in this programme in the following ways:
Digital Capabilities: Digital is integrated in all that we do as teachers within contemporary HE. For example, Theme one includes the opportunity for participants to engage with designated CPD that develop skills using digital technologies. Theme two is explicitly relevant to this pillar being based around engagement with an online course, located within Surrey Learn. All participants enrol onto a Small Private Online Course (SPOC) for a four-week course with programme tutors acting to moderate discussions. The SPOC involves discussions and reflections on key themes (i.e. Learning in the 21st Century), which specifically considers digital technologies. Theme four is also explicitly relevant including the opportunity to hear and debate key issues relating to digital technologies for example via sessions on digital education in contemporary HE. Additionally, the portfolio includes the opportunity to reflect upon resources including online resources such as blogs and podcasts.
Employability: The programme is an Advance HE accredited programme, purposely designed to develop teachers to teach effectively within higher education. Discussions around what is a HE for are a regular feature. These include a consideration of the tensions between future discourses / ongoing becomings. The programme includes regular opportunities to reflect on our values and development as a teacher, including the iterative development of a teaching philosophy. It also includes multiple opportunities to learn through enquiry-based learning with real-world cases.
Global and Cultural Capabilities: the programme is interdisciplinary and includes mixed groups of participants who collaborate together, in cohorts that commonly represent a wealth of nationalities and backgrounds. The programme also includes discussions on wider issues affecting HE internationally, for example within themes 1 Professional development and theme 4 Context and policy. CPD opportunities specifically relate to teaching diverse cohorts e.g. Supporting linguistically diverse students.
Resourcefulness & Resilience: Issues such as resilience, well-being and self-care form a key part of the programme in its aim to develop effective teachers for contemporary universities. Discussions and debates are held within theme one Professional Development, theme two Different Voices, theme three Reflective Practice, theme four Context and Policy, and theme five Learning Design. These include exploring what is resilience and what resources teachers’ can harness within their specific learning environments.
Sustainability: This is a core element that forms part of theme 5 Learning Design. Indeed, this theme offers a space to discuss all the 5 pillars and their impact. Additionally, we discuss sustainability in terms of sustainable teaching in HE – the challenges and pressures upon teacher throughout the programme, via tutorials and large group sessions.
Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2026/7 academic year.