Module code: NUR3328
Module Overview
This final module provides a sequential and integrated learning experience using theory and practice, by a spiraling of content that supports student development. It will prepare students to demonstrate proactive leadership acting as change agents to challenge practice in order to enhance people¿s wellbeing and experience of health care; integrating evidence into their clinical and scholarly practice, becoming an accountable evidence-based professional. Practice within simulation and placement will enable students to draw together learning from university blocks, by consolidating their knowledge and proficencies within clinical practice in preparation for professional registration.
Module provider
School of Health Sciences
Module Leader
TREACY Colm (Health Sci.)
Number of Credits: 0
ECTS Credits: 0
Framework: FHEQ Level 6
Module cap (Maximum number of students): N/A
Overall student workload
Clinical Placement Hours: 892.5
Independent Learning Hours: 250
Seminar Hours: 250
Tutorial Hours: 30
Practical/Performance Hours: 100
Guided Learning: 30
Captured Content: 30
Module Availability
Crosses academic years
Prerequisites / Co-requisites
Module content
- Knowledge and evidence base underpinning assessment and management of the deteriorating patient.
- How to analyse and synthesise assessment data to inform evidence based care in complex clinical situations
- Psychosocial and ethical perspectives in the management of the patient and family members
- Confident and competent decision making skills and how to role model professional behaviour
- Autonomous leadership in situations of varying complexity in both emergency and non-emergency situations.
- A range of teaching and learning strategies in preparation for role as Practice Supervisor.
- How human factors contribute to clinical errors and incidents and how service provision develops from incident reporting and investigation.
- Communication strategies to enhance care quality and recognise the importance of duty of candor.
- Reflective practice skills for personal and professional development
- Quality improvement methodologies and processes, how to read and apply data, use of epidemiological data, service evaluation, audit, risk management
- Key ethical issues in research and the role of the ethics committees, as well as the principles of good clinical practice within clinical research
- Hierarchy of evidence and the application of evidence to practice guidelines and policy
- Quantitative and qualitative research design, methods, and analysis, including basic statistics
- Research policy and funding and the research architecture of the NHS
- Importance and relevance of patient and public involvement in research
- Retrieve, review and critically appraise information and published literature within a field of practice
- Rationale for and processes used when making decisions and the influence of personal judgement
- Decision making theories and models using critical thinking, active listening and questioning to evaluate care and improve decision making processes in a professional, compassionate, empowering and ethically sensitive manner
- Role of risk assessment and risk management strategies to a range of care decisions to ensure safe and effective care
- Role of e-technology and decision trees in clinical decision making
- Non-medical prescribing:
- Pharmacology – non-medical prescribing content
- Safe medicate
- Infection prevention and control, communicable disease surveillance, antimicrobial resistance and stewardship
- Understanding the wider role of the HCP
- Identification and reporting of near misses, critical incidents, major incidents and serious adverse events. Sharing feedback and learning.
- Human factors, safe staffing, skill mix, team working, escalation of concerns including national guidance, team reflection and debriefing.
- Working in stressful and difficult situations, recognising when we are vulnerable, compassionate self-care
- Leadership and role modelling leading – compassionate leadership
- Becoming a Practice Supervisor.
- Critical care/crisis intervention, decision making, consideration of alternative diagnosis, advanced communication (noticing and listening, challenging conversations), Ethical debate and dilemmas when evidence may be conflicting
- Human Rights legislation (including safe guarding), rights of the child, sexual and reproductive rights, legal and ethical frameworks, mandatory reporting duties.
- Wider public health role - Social circumstances including poverty, homelessness, trafficking, slavery, criminal justice system, domestic abuse, refugees
Final year core and field specific proficiencies (Ref: Skills Passport)
Clinical skills will be taught and practiced in a simulated environment utilising a range of health care equipment in preparation for supervision within practice learning settings.
Assessment pattern
Assessment type | Unit of assessment | Weighting |
Programmatic assessment | Mental Health Nursing 3 (120 Credits) | Pass/Fail |
Alternative Assessment
Assessment Strategy
The assessment strategy is designed to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate a wide range of practice-based proficiencies, in order to achieve the criteria set by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2018).
Thus, the summative assessments for this module consists of:
- Practice Development Project;
- Part 1: Identify an area of practice that requires change literature review and reflection on practice, (5500 words)
- Part 2: Recommendations for practice based on part 1 2500 words
- Complex Programme Specific OSCE/VIVA
- Medicines management & pharmacology
- Calculations 100% pass mark (practical)
- Medicines management application
- Practice Assessment document
- Autonomous Practice Essay
Formative assessment compulsory elements
Formative feedback following formative assessments below via surrey learn
- Formative 1 -project plan submission
- Formative 2- OSCE/VIVA practice
- Formative 3- Medicines management
Additional formative activities
- Self-tests, physical/ mental assessment/ Pharmacology
- Simulation with actors
- Reflective learning journal
- Safe medicate tests
Feedback Mechanisms
- Continuous feedback from Lecturers & actors within university learning blocks
- Continuous feedback from practice whilst on placement learning blocks
- Online feedback
- Peer feedback
- Personal tutor feedback
- Service user and carer feedback
Module aims
- Develop confident, competent and responsive practitioners with the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to deliver and lead high quality evidence-based nursing care across a range of healthcare environments. Enable students to act with professional integrity and demonstrate achievement of the professional standards as defined by the Future nurse: Standards of proficiency registered nurses for NMC (2018).
- Prepare students to deliver safe and compassionate evidence-based, person centered care; whilst demonstrating the values and attitudes in keeping with non-discriminatory practice and an orientation towards holistic care.
- To facilitate partnership working with health and social care professionals, service users, carers and families, acknowledging the contribution of a collaborative approach to care and the importance of education for health.
- Enable students to contribute to the planning, design and delivery of care by leading, delegating, supervising and challenging other nurses and health care professionals to becoming a practice supervisor.
- "To develop the capacity to adapt to change and identify and initiate innovations in practice.
Facilitate the development of clinical, analytical and reflective thinking skills with the ability to distil research impacts, integrate and combine sources of knowledge."
- Develop a commitment to life long and independent learning through self-awareness, emotional literacy and reflective practice.
Learning outcomes
Attributes Developed | ||
001 | Practice as autonomous and accountable practitioners responsible for the delivery of holistic care and assessment promoting individuals' rights, dignity, interests, preferences, beliefs and cultures, developing an understanding of human identity using a person-centered approach. | KCPT |
002 | Act in accordance with relevant professional codes, legal and ethical frameworks and policy to deliver care in an evidence-based approach, recognising and reporting any situations, behaviours or errors that could lead to poor care outcomes. | KC |
003 | Critically evaluate own practice and identify areas of personal and professional development demonstrating learning from experience, feedback and reflection. | KCP |
004 | Communicate safely and effectively when working across health and social care environments, to build relationships and in partnership with service users, carers and families and other professionals and agencies to promote person centered-care. | KCP |
005 | Applies knowledge, synthesises ideas and evidence to generate solutions in planned and uncertain situations across a range of health care environments. | KCPT |
006 | Applies knowledge to identify solutions for ongoing care and co-existing health needs, that considers psychological wellbeing, economic and social/cultural circumstances for individuals and groups. | KCPT |
007 | Demonstrate proactive leadership acting as change agents to challenge practice to enhance people¿s wellbeing and experience of health care. | KCPT |
008 | Practice autonomously and be responsible for the delivery of care utilising an evidence-based approach to assess, plan and deliver care interventions across a range of clinical environments for both planned and emergency care. | KCPT |
009 | Critically appraise and apply evidence to deliver health care interventions and develop practice to improve person centered-care, peoples¿ experiences of care and shape future care provision. | KCP |
010 | Interact effectively within a team and demonstrate the ability to take the lead in coordinating, delegating and supervising care whilst remaining accountable for care given. | KCPT |
011 | Demonstrate the importance of safe practice and an understanding of risk management strategies, local and national guidelines across a range of clinical environments. | KCPT |
012 | Utilise effective communication strategies to promote health and enable people to make informed choices about their care to manage health, life choices, illness and prevent ill health. | CPT |
013 | Demonstrate safety in pharmacology and Medicines management. | KCPT |
Attributes Developed
C - Cognitive/analytical
K - Subject knowledge
T - Transferable skills
P - Professional/Practical skills
Methods of Teaching / Learning
The learning and teaching strategy is designed to incorporate the following:
- Simulation
- Seminars
- Online – self-test / additional learning materials / discussion boards / student forums/MOOC
- Classroom discussions
- Student-led seminars and presentations
- Problem based learning
- Case studies / scenarios
- Experiential learning
- Practice placement experience
Indicated Lecture Hours (which may also include seminars, tutorials, workshops and other contact time) are approximate and may include in-class tests where one or more of these are an assessment on the module. In-class tests are scheduled/organised separately to taught content and will be published on to student personal timetables, where they apply to taken modules, as soon as they are finalised by central administration. This will usually be after the initial publication of the teaching timetable for the relevant semester.
Reading list
Upon accessing the reading list, please search for the module using the module code: NUR3328
Other information
The School of Health Sciences Mental Health Nursing programme is committed to developing graduates with strengths in Employability, Digital Capabilities, Global and Cultural Capabilities, Sustainability, and Resourcefulness and Resilience. This module is designed to allow students to develop knowledge, skills, and capabilities in the following areas:
Digital capabilities:
Students will evaluate the digital transformation of care, having opportunities to engage with digital technology to support healthcare leading to a cultural transformation and the democratisation of care to improve health outcomes, lowering cost of care and improving the human care experience. Through the development of recommendations for further research and potential changes to guidelines that inform clinical practice.
Students are also required to develop and
evidence proficiency in effectively utilising general digital search tools and specialist online health science databases as part of their research and study throughout their degree. They will be supported in reaching such proficiency with ongoing learning and guidance from the School and from the University whilst demonstrating the ability to undertake a substantive project with independent study.
Placements provide the opportunity for students to build connections and relationships that will impact on their future employability and career development to transition into an autonomous practitioner.
The final placement provides the opportunity to develop and evidence their leadership and decision-making skills as they prepare to enter the professional world as registrants.
The variety of assessments are designed to replicate the demands and circumstances of modern professional practice and the programme seeks to complement and scaffold students professional outlook and application through the provision of comprehensive clinical activities and other specialist activities such as change agency and reflective practice.
All students will be offered the opportunity to develop their skills in CV writing, interview skills, and the application process to assist in bridging the transition between study and employment.
The final year is designed to be a culminating educational experience for students, to reflect upon their personal & professional growth and consolidate the knowledge and skills they have acquired during the programme. Using a series of formative and asynchronous blended activities, students are prepared for transition to professional practice, developing their leadership and management skills, planning their careers, and preparing for life-long learning (including revalidation).
Real-time simulation and combined simulated and theoretical classroom activities also enable students to develop clinical, analytical, and reflective thinking skills. This confers the ability to develop their clinical competence and confidence in their practice, distil research impacts, integrate, and combine sources of knowledge and develop the capacity to develop resilience and adapt to change - skills which are eminently transferrable in any future employment.
Nursing and midwifery students are offered a developmental package which enables them to undertake the supervision of other learners at the point of qualification.
Global and cultural capabilities:
Students will be supported to develop cultural sensitivity which relates to the importance of respect, trust and empathy in therapeutic relationships.
Their role in promoting cultural awareness when working with colleagues in practice and challenge their own and for others thinking to advocate for service-users, relatives, carers and key stakeholders.
Resourcefulness and Resilience:
Students are guided to develop the ability to reflect, evaluate, adapt, and respond flexibly to unforeseen circumstances throughout the module and in the clinical environment. This pillar is fundamental to the development of effective and safe health professionals. Scenario based examples are used to develop students’ ability to respond effectively to changing situations. These skills are tested through formative and summative assessments and in the clinical environment. Students are supported to engage with Wellbeing services and are encouraged to foster resilience through peer support. An integrated programmatic approach and scaffolding helps with both the development of knowledge throughout the academic year and programme and highlights the importance of assessment for learning in the journey of the student. In the ever changing world resilience skills sustain themselves in challenging and difficult working climates.
Healthcare resources are finite and this module will explore the role of health promotion in providing service users with information to make good choices regarding health behaviours. This will give learners the knowledge and skills to compassionately address current inequalities and maximize long term outcomes which may positively impact on their own and the world’s sustainable development. We have a philosophy which aims to create the future healthcare workforce which is fit for today but which is also future proofed through consideration of an ever changing healthcare landscape. Students will focus on global challenges of our era that are the focus of current policy processes to develop the necessary social skill as global citizens by focusing on social issue (e.g., increase of uptake of vaccines) from the perspective of diverse target audience.
Programmes this module appears in
Programme | Semester | Classification | Qualifying conditions |
Nursing Studies (Registered Nurse Mental Health Nursing) BSc (Hons)(NURSES PRE-REG SEP) | Cross Year | Core | Each unit of assessment must be passed at 40% to pass the module |
Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2026/7 academic year.