Module code: NURM188
Module Overview
This module integrates theory learned in this module and all core programme modules and enables students to develop skills in practice using the appropriate evidence base. Students are supported in practice by a Practice Teacher and where appropriate a mentor to progress to a stage of competency in all domains of SCPHN practice. The V100 content is incorporated within this module and therefore students will achieve the Community Nurse Prescribing qualification on successful completion of the module and additional assessments.
On successful completion of all aspects of the module and the SCPHN programme, the University will inform the NMC that the student is eligible to register their qualification, including the V100. This must be done within 5 years from the identified start of the programme. If there is a need for interrupt, the student’s acquired knowledge and skills need to remain valid in order to allow them to achieve the proficiencies set by the NMC, so where necessary, some or all, of the prescribing preparation and assessment may need to be repeated. Registrants are not able to prescribe until the V100 qualification has been recorded on the NMC register.
Module provider
School of Health Sciences
Module Leader
JONES Felicity (Health Sci.)
Number of Credits: 15
ECTS Credits: 7.5
Framework: FHEQ Level 7
Module cap (Maximum number of students): N/A
Overall student workload
Independent Learning Hours: 90
Lecture Hours: 60
Module Availability
Year long
Prerequisites / Co-requisites
Students must be currently undertaking an SCPHN programme. Students must be sponsored by an Organisation who will provide a practice placement with an allocated Practice Teacher and where appropriate a Mentor to support and assess the student in practice
Module content
To be informed by High Impact Areas in SCPHN Fields of Practice and BFI themes .
Indicative content includes:
• Child and young person development from birth to 19 years
• Healthy eating and exercise • Breast feeding
• Mental health
• Minor illness management
• Medicines management
• Accident prevention in the 0-19 age range
• School readiness
• Transition to adulthood
• Supporting families with disability and complex needs
• Sexual health
• Enuresis
• Sleep
• Behaviour management
• Preparation for consolidated practice and pre-ceptorship
• Clinical decision making
Health Visiting High Impact Areas For 2016-17
• Transition to parenthood and early weeks
• Maternal mental health
• Breast feeding initiation and duration
• Healthy weight, healthy nutrition ( including exercise)
• Managing minor illness and reducing hospital attendance and admission
• Health, welbeing and development of the child aged 2/ readiness for school
School Nursing High Impact Areas for 2016-17
• Resilience and emotional well being
• Keeping safe: managing risk and reducing harm
• Improving lifestyles
• Maximising learning and achievement
• Supporting complex and additional health and wellbeing needs
• Seamless transition and preparation for adulthood
Baby Friendly Initiative Themes (UNICEF 2016)
1. Have an understanding of breast feeding
2. Enable mothers to breast feed
3. Support close and loving relationships
4. Be able to manage the challenges
5. Promote positive communication
UNICEF (2016) Guidance for universities in implementing the Baby Friendly Initiative standards
V100 content:
• Consultation, decision making and therapy, including referral
• Influences on and psychology of prescribing
• Prescribing in a team context
• Clinical pharmacology, including the effects of co-morbidity
• Evidence based practice and clinical governance in relation to nurse prescribing
• Legal, policy and ethical aspects
• Personal accountability and responsibility
• Prescribing in the public health context
Assessment pattern
Assessment type | Unit of assessment | Weighting |
Practical based assessment | Observed Structured Practice Assessment | Pass/Fail |
Examination | Additional Qualification V100 Calculation Paper (100% Pass Mark) | Pass/Fail |
Examination | Additional Qualification V100 MCQ Paper (80% Pass Mark) | Pass/Fail |
Coursework | Assignment | 100 |
Practical based assessment | Medicines Management Reflection Discussion | Pass/Fail |
Coursework | Two Written Prescriptions | Pass/Fail |
Coursework | Log of Prescribing Related Practice | Pass/Fail |
Practical based assessment | Practice Portfolio | Pass/Fail |
Alternative Assessment
Assessment Strategy
The assessment strategy is designed to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate the integration of evidence based theory with the acquisition of practice skills. In the portfolio, students will identify the strengths, challenges, opportunities and barriers (SCOB) to their learning at three key points in their learning journey. This will enable them to set their learning objectives, agree a plan for achieving them with their Community Practice Assessor (CPA) and evaluate their progress.
The summative assessment for this module consists of 4 parts :
Part 1 Practice Portfolio
A Portfolio of evidence which demonstrates the achievement of SCPHN domains specific to the student’s pathway. The evidence in the portfolio should contextualise the student’s learning and demonstrate their application of knowledge and skills to their pathway of professional practice. Assessment in practice is measured against the Standards of Proficiency for SCPHN (NMC 2004) – Pass/Fail
Part 2 Written Assignment
Write a reflective account of the clinical decision making process used in your OSPA.
This critical analysis should draw on your knowledge of public health, family needs assessment and the professional skills required to assess, plan and deliver care. Evaluate how this intervention meets the Healthy Child Programme outcomes commissioned by your Organisation.
3,000 words
Part 3 OSPA – Observed Structured Practice Assessment – Pass/Fail
Part 4 V100 Nurse Prescribing
Part A: V100 Calculation Paper (100% pass mark) – Duration 30 minutes. Exam date will be advised by V100 Lead.
Part B: V100 MCQ paper (80% pass mark) - Duration 90 minutes
• Log of Prescribing Related Practice including a minimum 18 prescribing hours -Pass/Fail
• Medicines Management Reflective Discussion - Pass/Fail
• 2 written prescriptions – Pass/Fail
If there is either evidence of unsafe practice or any breach of confidentiality, it will result in an automatic referral for the assessment of this module Failure to answer correctly any question which may result in direct harm to a patient / client will result in referral of V100.
Module aims
- This module aims to enable health visiting and school nursing students to develop evidence based practice and achieve competency in all 4 domains of the standards of proficiency for Specialist Community Public Health Nurses to meet the entry requirements for part 3 of the NMC register.
Domain 1- Search for Health Needs
Principle: Surveillance and assessment of the population’s health and wellbeing
Domain 2 – Stimulation of awareness of health needs
Principles : Collaborative working for health and wellbeing
Working with and for communities to improve health and wellbeing
Domain 3- Influence on policies affecting health
Principles ; Developing health programmes and services, reducing inequalities
Policy and strategy development and implementation to improve health and wellbeing
Research and development to improve health and wellbeing
Domain 4 – Facilitation of health enhancing activities
Principles : Promoting and protecting the population’s health and wellbeing
Developing quality and risk management within an evaluative culture
Strategic leadership for health and wellbeing
Integrating the V100 outcomes and competencies within this module will help to equip eligible SCPHNs with the principles of prescribing to enable them to be safe, effective and cost-effective prescribers, in a primary care setting
It will also enable students to understand the principles of good prescribing, the law relating to prescribing, accountability in prescribing and the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs that are listed in the Nurse Prescribers Formulary.
Learning outcomes
Attributes Developed | ||
001 | Critically evaluate service provision for children aged 0-19 years and critique the importance of engagement with the whole family | KP |
002 | Use and analyse a range of tools to assess need holistically and use clinical decision making skills to decide on the level of service provision in partnership with clients | CP |
003 | Deliver the Healthy Child Programme to children and families within the 4 levels of service model of Community, Universal, Unviversal Plus and Universal Partnership Plus | PT |
004 | Focus service provision on current high impact areas identified by Public Health England | CP |
005 | Have an appreciation of the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative Standards and the SCPHN role in delivering them | |
006 | Systematically evaluate the importance of partnership, integration, communication and inter-professional working to identify and minimise risk | KCP |
007 | Critically appriase their own and others skills in leadership and demonstrate an ethical approach in leadership activities | KPT |
008 | Deliver high quality client care utilising professional judgement and clinical decision making skills within acceptable ethical and legal paramete | PT |
009 | Demonstrate knowledge of medicine management and prescribing principles in the context of SCPHN practice and meet the NMC standards of proficiency for nurse prescribers and midwives | KCPT |
010 | Critically analyse and contribute to strategies designed to promote wellbeing, improve health and prevent disease in individuals, groups and communities | KCP |
011 | V100 Outcome - Assess and consult with patients / clients and parents / carers | KP |
012 | V100 Outcome - Undertake a thorough history, including medication history and current medication (including over-the-counter, alternative and complementary health therapies) to inform diagnosis | KCP |
013 | V100 Outcome - Understand and apply the relevant legislation to the practice of nurse / midwife prescribing | KCP |
014 | V100 Outcome - Critically appraise, use sources of information / advice and decision support systems in prescribing practice | CPT |
015 | V100 Outcome - Understand the influences that can impact on prescribing practice | KP |
016 | V100 Outcome - Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical dimensions of prescribing | CPT |
017 | V100 Outcome - Understand and apply knowledge of drug actions in prescribing practice | KCP |
018 | V100 Outcome - Demonstrate an understanding of the roles and relationships of others involved in prescribing, supplying and administering medicines | PT |
019 | V100 Outcome - Prescribe safely, appropriately and cost effectively | CP |
020 | V100 Outcome - Practise within a framework of professional accountability and responsibility | PT |
021 | V100 Outcome - accurately completes and routinely checks calculations relevant to prescribing and practical dosing relevant to patient group/field of practice | KCP |
Attributes Developed
C - Cognitive/analytical
K - Subject knowledge
T - Transferable skills
P - Professional/Practical skills
Methods of Teaching / Learning
The learning and teaching strategy is designed to bring together all elements of learning in University and practice settings to ensure that students are adequately prepared for their role as an SCPHN. They will build on their existing professional skills to achieve the knowledge and skills required to enter part 3 of the NMC register Where appropriate students will be taught in their specific pathway groups or together for common core elements of the module.
UNICEF ( 2016) Learning outcomes will be integrated into the module in accordance with the recommendations received during the accreditation process.
The learning and teaching methods include:
Lectures, seminars ,workshops, discussions, case studies, presentations from specialist practitioners in University Observation, participation and demonstration of skills, professional conversation and reflection, clinical supervision, contribution to inter-professional forums in practice.
Indicated Lecture Hours (which may also include seminars, tutorials, workshops and other contact time) are approximate and may include in-class tests where one or more of these are an assessment on the module. In-class tests are scheduled/organised separately to taught content and will be published on to student personal timetables, where they apply to taken modules, as soon as they are finalised by central administration. This will usually be after the initial publication of the teaching timetable for the relevant semester.
Reading list
Upon accessing the reading list, please search for the module using the module code: NURM188
Other information
This module is core for Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting and School Nursing) and will require students to pass every unit of academic and practice assessment.
This module also has practice hours as an essential element.
Programmes this module appears in
Programme | Semester | Classification | Qualifying conditions |
Public Health Practice (SCPHN) (Health Visiting) MSc(YEAR LONG) | Year-long | Core | Each unit of assessment must be passed at 50% to pass the module |
Public Health Practice (SCPHN) (School Nursing) MSc(YEAR LONG) | Year-long | Core | Each unit of assessment must be passed at 50% to pass the module |
Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2026/7 academic year.