Food Science and Nutrition BSc (Hons) - 2026/7

Awarding body

University of Surrey

Teaching institute

University of Surrey


FHEQ Level 6

Final award and programme/pathway title

BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition

Subsidiary award(s)

Award Title
Ord Food Science and Nutrition
DipHE Food Science and Nutrition
CertHE Food Science and Nutrition

Professional recognition

Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST)
Accredited by the Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST).

Modes of study

Route code Credits and ECTS Credits
Full-time UCF10006 360 credits and 180 ECTS credits
Full-time with PTY UCF10008 480 credits and 240 ECTS credits

QAA Subject benchmark statement (if applicable)

Other internal and / or external reference points

Committee of University Professors in Food Science and Technology, HCPC and BDA, IFST

Faculty and Department / School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences - School of Biosciences

Programme Leader

BROWN Jonathan (Biosciences)

Date of production/revision of spec


Educational aims of the programme

  • To further the students' knowledge of Food Science and Nutrition, especially in areas in which the school has achieved distinction in research, facilitating the development of individual specialisation and enabling a future career in food + nutrition including government, research, and the food industry.
  • To gain an appreciation of the variety and content of nutrients and non-nutrients in foods from around the world, how they are influenced by processing methods and how the properties of foods can influence nutrient provision, applicable to individual and population health relevant to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3
  • To provide the appropriate environment, including on a digital level, to encourage the acquisition of intellectual, critical thinking, scientific, technical and transferable skills to promote self-directed and lifelong learning
  • To equip students with the requirements needed to be a Food and Nutrition Scientist as outlined by the Institute of Food Science and Technology reference points including the resourcefulness and resilience needed to achieve that goal
  • To provide the opportunity for students to develop knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms underlying disorders that have a nutritional aetiology at both the biochemical and molecular level, and strategies to alleviate such nutritional conditions

Programme learning outcomes

Attributes Developed Awards Ref.
A foundation of knowledge and understanding in the general biosciences field and its application to the disciplines of food science, microbiology, and nutrition KCPT CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
An appreciation of the chemistry and biochemistry of foodstuffs and the scientific basis of food spoilage, preventative strategies, and food processes, and to be able to apply this understanding to solve current problems and develop new food products KCPT DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
A knowledge and skills for the use of analytical procedures for food quality control including UK and European legislation and other countries globally KCPT DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
An understanding of laboratory-based investigations in the food science and nutrition area relevant to health and the prevention of disease KP CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
An understanding of the nutrients and non-nutrient composition and content of food and beverages and their relevance to health KCP CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
An awareness of current healthy eating guidelines and an appreciation of dietary assessment methods K CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
An understanding of nutrition for specific populations and across the lifecycle K DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
An understanding of the application of nutritional concepts at biochemical, individual and population level and the metabolic basis of food demand K DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
An understanding of the potential of nutrition in the development and management of disease K DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
An understanding and development of the skills required to perform investigations commonly used to assess nutritional status KCPT DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
An understanding of the key principles of health promotion and health education, with an awareness of public health policies and programmes, nationally, cross culturally and internationally KCP Ord, BSc (Hons)
An appreciation of the global food supply chain, particularly in reference to the double burden of disease and developing nations, climate change and food sustainability KCT DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
A knowledge of the role of nutrient-gene interactions in determining health and disease KC CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Plan and organisation of work, both as an individual and in terms of contributing to team-work via the appropriate for the development of resourceful and resilience CT CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Work effectively, efficiently, and independently on a given project or task CT CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Communicate ideas, principles, and theories effectively through oral, written and other communication means (media). CPT DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Appraise more critically the theory, practice, literature and research findings within certain areas of food science and nutrition CT CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Use information technology, digital resources, software, and other digital media effectively for collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of information and/or data., CPT BSc (Hons)
Design, plan and execute an appropriate original research project in the Food and Nutritional Sciences KCPT BSc (Hons)

Attributes Developed

C - Cognitive/analytical

K - Subject knowledge

T - Transferable skills

P - Professional/Practical skills

Programme structure


This Bachelor's Degree (Honours) programme is studied full-time over three academic years, consisting of 360 credits (120 credits at FHEQ levels 4, 5 and 6). All modules are semester based and worth 15 credits with the exception of project, practice based and dissertation modules.
Possible exit awards include:
- Bachelor's Degree (Ordinary) (300 credits)
- Diploma of Higher Education (240 credits)
- Certificate of Higher Education (120 credits)

Full-time with PTY

This Bachelor's Degree (Honours) programme is studied full-time over four academic years, consisting of 480 credits (120 credits at FHEQ levels 4, 5, 6 and the optional professional training year). All modules are semester based and worth 15 credits with the exception of project, practice based and dissertation modules.
Possible exit awards include:
- Bachelor's Degree (Ordinary) (300 credits)
- Diploma of Higher Education (240 credits)
- Certificate of Higher Education (120 credits)

Programme Adjustments (if applicable)



Professional Training Year (PTY) -

Module code Module title Status Credits Semester

Module Selection for Professional Training Year (PTY) -


Opportunities for placements / work related learning / collaborative activity

Associate Tutor(s) / Guest Speakers / Visiting Academics Y
Professional Training Year (PTY) Y
Placement(s) (study or work that are not part of PTY) N
Clinical Placement(s) (that are not part of the PTY scheme) N
Study exchange (Level 5) Y
Dual degree N

Other information

This programme is aligned to the University of Surrey¿s Five Pillars of Curriculum Design and design, namely, Digital Capabilities, Employability, Global and Cultural Capabilities, Resourcefulness & Resilience, and Sustainability. Specifically, these pillars are covered in this programme in the following ways:

Digital Capabilities: During the whole programme students must learn to navigate and utilise the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) at Surrey. This is an excellent and contemporary VLE system which provides students with much of the supporting material they need for the programme. Other digital resources and online databases are also used (e.g. Phenol Explorer) to aid in their learning on specific topics and to undertake research. Some further specialized digital tools/software, such as those used to determine the composition of foods and related dietary intakes, are also employed. Statistical computer packages are utilised to analyse the relevant data from these data bases. In this way the students build their skills to assess food composition and how it can impact upon nutrient availability/intakes with a view to evaluating the data still further. Students are also encouraged to use current media such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Teams, Zoom, and utilising on-line file sharing for team working. Appropriate use of digital media and communication platforms is increasingly important for the modern Nutritional and Food Scientist and through appropriate use, but also discussion of these media, students gain an awareness of their roles, responsibilities, limitations and misuse which can have wider impact (e.g., to digital well-being)

Employability: The Food Science and Nutrition programme is accredited programme with the Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST), as such, the programme is designed to equip students with the relevant requirements of a Nutritional and Food Scientist. During the degree students are encouraged to become Student Associate Members of the IFST and upon completion of their degree programme graduates can become official members of the IFST. The programme provides several opportunities throughout the degree to be exposed to Employability Events such as the IFST supported University of Surrey Student & Graduate presentation event (held every October), the IFST LaunchPad event (held every November) and the opportunities provided by frequently run Food Matters events. Throughout the course students are taught by, and exposed to, a variety of internal and external speakers which highlight to students the variety of specific roles food scientists and nutritionists have in the Food industry/Research Institutes and Government / non-Government organisations. Assessments but also tasks undertaken across modules in the programme are chosen to prepare students with knowledge and skills that are likely to need as contemporary Nutritional and Food Scientists. Fundamental to this programme is that students evaluate and appraise evidence and use this in the development of new food products and advancing food science and nutrition research.

Global and Cultural Capabilities: The Food Science and Nutrition degree programme is normally quite international in terms of the entry cohort and so many different nations and backgrounds are represented within each year/level of the programme. This is made good use of in terms of the variety of different perspectives students have in relation to the different foods available/consumed, their origin, the processes used & the legislation that underpins the use of food additives within different countries and students are encouraged to engage with, and learn from each other, through interaction in lectures and other settings, including assessments. Furthermore, Food Science and Nutrition research is well recognised as global and there are extremely useful findings from research studies across the world. This is explored across the programme in cross-cultural studies conducted in relation to the role of different food components in health and disease, the differences that occur between different populations as well as in population migration studies. Students also develop an understanding of inadequate nutrition worldwide (over and under nutrition), with explorations of how the diversity of the lived experience & culture can impact upon food choice.

Resourcefulness & Resilience: Students are introduced to what is expected of them in terms of teaching, learning and assessment in the early stages of the programme and the need for them to be highly organised and self-reliant. Timetables are provided in advance to facilitate planning and students are advised that they must prepare for some sessions in advance to make the very most of the learning available (e.g., practicals and tutorials). Formative assessments within some modules are designed to help students develop their knowledge and understanding in a ¿safe¿ environment (allowing failure). Summative assessment and feedback are used to develop knowledge/understanding/critical evaluation in future modules in the programme. Collaborative learning is encouraged and there is the opportunity for peer support. Throughout the programme there is a clear pathway for students to become more independent in their learning, ultimately to become confident in their evaluative and creative skills in Food Science and Nutrition. Students are required to draw upon their individual resourcefulness but also that of the group/team. The importance of taking different roles in group challenges, the development of self-reliance and self-reflection are also encouraged as these features become more important as they progress through the programme.

Sustainability: Sustainability underpins numerous aspects relating to the Food Science and Nutrition programme including the sourcing of food and ingredients from around the globe, the impact this has on the crops grown and the environment and the important role food supply has in terms of population growth and health. Indeed, many of the modules in the programme relate to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 2, 3, 9, 12 and 13. A further feature of sustainability relates to the need for sustainable diets arising from changes in food provision on a global scale, the reliance of plant-based foods and the impact this has on nutrition and the prevention of disease. Seminars and tutorials give students the opportunity to explore specific topics of sustainability including the EAT Lancet recommendations for ¿planetary health¿, the National Food Strategy and factors affecting UK and global food security.

Quality assurance

The Regulations and Codes of Practice for taught programmes can be found at:

Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2026/7 academic year.