Midwifery (Registered Midwife) BSc (Hons) - 2019/0

Awarding body

University of Surrey

Teaching institute

University of Surrey


FHEQ Level 6

Final award and programme/pathway title

BSc (Hons) Midwifery (Registered Midwife)

Subsidiary award(s)

Award Title
Ord Midwifery (Registered Midwife) (with NMC Registration)
DipHE Health Care
CertHE Health Care

Professional recognition

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)
Recognised by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) for the purpose of registration as a qualified midwife.

Modes of study

Route code Credits and ECTS Credits
Full-time UTA10005 360 credits and 180 ECTS credits

QAA Subject benchmark statement (if applicable)


Other internal and / or external reference points

NMC (2009) Standards for Pre-Registration Midwifery Education. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council European Union Directive Recognition of Professional Qualifications 2005/36/EC Article 40 NMC (2015) Code of Conduct, Performance and Ethics for nurses and midwives. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council

Faculty and Department / School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences - School of Health Sciences

Programme Leader

GREENACRE Rebecca (Health Sci.)

Date of production/revision of spec


Educational aims of the programme

  • Enable students to achieve the proficiencies for entry to the profession as laid down by the NMC standards for pre-registration midwifery education (NMC, 2009), and to practice within the NMC Code of Professional Conduct (NMC, 2015) as well as the outcomes presented by the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative
  • To deliver a programme rooted in normality whilst preparing midwives to care for all women including those with complex medical, obstetric and social needs (Midwifery 2020 (DH, 2010:5))
  • To prepare and develop midwives to be skilled and safe, empathic and trustworthy with increased emphasis on the principles of autonomy and accountability within multidisciplinary and multi-agency teams (Midwifery 2020 (DH, 2010:5))
  • To focus on developing interpersonal skills, enabling the graduate midwife to fulfil the lead practitioner role, to be the first point of contact for women, to promote and enhance the management of normal births and to coordinate and provide care in high risk and complex pregnancies and along the whole of the maternity pathway (Midwifery 2020 (DH, 2010:8))
  • Enable students to become flexible, self-directed leaders who can adapt to rapid change in health systems and contexts and to develop their own knowledge and skills (learning from reflection, study and peer review)
  • Enable students to continue to develop as practitioners, who use research to inform clinical governance and practice outcomes but also to increase midwifery knowledge and advance the profession through audit, research and education

Programme learning outcomes

Attributes Developed Awards Ref.
Demonstrate key skills of professionalism and ethical conduct K BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the midwife and sphere of practice K BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate an understanding of normal midwifery care K BSc (Hons)
Undertake a postnatal examination of a mother and baby K CertHE
Use a range of appropriate assessment techniques and reach valid, reliable and comprehensive conclusions C CertHE
Practice in accordance with The NMC Code of Professional Conduct: (2015) within the limitations of the individual's own competence, knowledge and sphere of professional practice, consistent with the legislation relating to midwifery practice P CertHE
Practise in a holistic way and work effectively within a multicultural context, which respects and promotes individuals' rights, interests, preferences, beliefs and cultures, taking account of legal and ethical frameworks including and eschewing discriminatory practices P CertHE
Have a sound knowledge of the physiology of childbirth and the newborn, and of psychological, social, emotional and spiritual factors that may positively or adversely influence normal physiology, and be competent in applying this in practice P CertHE
Show appropriate inter-personal skills and communicate effectively with women and their families throughout the pre-conception, antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal periods; communication will include listening, enabling and encouraging P CertHE
Examine and care for babies immediately following birth and those with specific health or social needs and refer to other professionals or agencies as appropriate P CertHE
Support the creation and maintenance of environments which promote the health, safety and well-being of women, babies and all people in the workplace; identifying and responding to unsafe practice including effective working across professional boundaries and developing professional networks T CertHE
Demonstrate understanding of the knowledge that underpins practice thus enabling an appropriate response to a wide range of health and dependency needs K DipHE
Apply knowledge and skills based upon evidence in the planning, delivery and evaluation of safe and effective care, accessing or referring to specialist services as required K DipHE
Demonstrate the importance of safe practice and risk management strategies, local and national guidelines. K DipHE
Demonstrate the ability to recognise and respond appropriately to changing risk factors and obstetric emergencies K DipHE
Use a range of appropriate assessment techniques and reach valid, reliable and comprehensive conclusions C DipHE
Critically evaluate the effectiveness of programmes of care, guidelines and policies and make recommendations for change in the interest of women, babies and their families and design novel solutions based on best evidence when presented with new situations C DipHE
Practice in accordance with The NMC Code of Professional Conduct: (2015) within the limitations of the individual's own competence, knowledge and sphere of professional practice, consistent with the legislation relating to midwifery practice P DipHE
Practise in a holistic way and work effectively within a multicultural context, which respects and promotes individuals' rights, interests, preferences, beliefs and cultures, taking account of legal and ethical frameworks including and eschewing discriminatory practices P DipHE
Have a sound knowledge of the physiology of childbirth and the newborn, and of psychological, social, emotional and spiritual factors that may positively or adversely influence normal physiology, and be competent in applying this in practice P DipHE
Show appropriate inter-personal skills and communicate effectively with women and their families throughout the pre-conception, antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal periods; communication will include listening, enabling and encouraging P DipHE
Examine and care for babies immediately following birth and those with specific health or social needs and refer to other professionals or agencies as appropriate P DipHE
Support the creation and maintenance of environments which promote the health, safety and well-being of women, babies and all people in the workplace; identifying and responding to unsafe practice including effective working across professional boundaries and developing professional networks T DipHE
Demonstrate effective communication and presentation skills when giving information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, clients and their relatives, both individually and in groups and in writing T DipHE
Adopt systematic approaches to analysing and evaluating information retrieved from a wide range of sources recognising the value of research and other scholarly activity in the development of the profession and in providing informed choices to women K Ord
Critically evaluate midwifery care provision in light of its historic and contemporary context and inform practice with best evidence, upholding the practice of clinical governance, to inform future service provision and delivery K Ord
Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary ethical issues and their impact on midwifery practice and understand the legal and ethical responsibilities of professional practice K Ord
Demonstrate knowledge of legislation, health and social policy relevant to midwifery practice and critically evaluate their own role within the health and social care services K Ord
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the impact of regulation on midwifery effectiveness and evaluate its relationship to clinical governance and risk management K Ord
Use a range of appropriate assessment techniques and reach valid, reliable and comprehensive conclusions C Ord
Use reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving and reflective capacities to make judgements/decisions in the context of women-centred midwifery practice and to evaluate their own performance and fitness to practice, plan their own development and recognise their limitations C Ord
Critically evaluate the effectiveness of programmes of care, guidelines and policies and make recommendations for change in the interest of women, babies and their families and design novel solutions based on best evidence when presented with new situations C Ord
Practice in accordance with The NMC Code (2015) within the limitations of the individual's own competence, knowledge and sphere of professional practice, consistent with the legislation relating to midwifery practice P Ord
Practise in a holistic way and work effectively within a multicultural context, which respects and promotes individuals' rights, interests, preferences, beliefs and cultures, taking account of legal and ethical frameworks including and eschewing discriminatory practices P Ord
Act as a role model; showing emotional intelligence along with authentic, empathic behaviour and compassionate caring; confidently apply own knowledge to provide appropriate levels of guidance and supervision for others P Ord
Be an autonomous practitioner and lead carer to women experiencing normal childbirth and being competent and confident to support women throughout normal pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatal period, in all care settings P Ord
Practise independently, accountably and resourcefully within women-centred, multi-professional and multi-agency partnerships to provide seamless care through the preconception, antenatal, intrapartum and post natal stages of care for women, babies and their families P Ord
Have a sound knowledge of the physiology of childbirth and the newborn, and of psychological, social, emotional and spiritual factors that may positively or adversely influence normal physiology, and be competent in applying this in practice P Ord
Show appropriate inter-personal skills and communicate effectively with women and their families throughout the pre-conception, antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal periods; communication will include listening, enabling and encouraging P Ord
Provide health promotion and parentcraft education which meets the needs of parents; offering the necessary evidence based advice and support on self-care, baby care and infant feeding and have the knowledge and skills to support breastfeeding mothers (BFI) P Ord
Provide family planning advice, diagnose pregnancy, assess and monitor women holistically throughout the preconception, antenatal, intrapartum and post natal periods; working with women to determine and provide programmes of care and support for women and monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of programmes of care modifying them to improve the outcomes for women, babies and their families P Ord
Monitor maternal and fetal wellbeing and care for, support and empower women and their partners, enhancing their ability to labour effectively and give birth to their babies P Ord
Undertake risk assessment to inform the provision of care for women, babies and their families and manage and prioritise competing demands and care for all women, including those with complex medical, obstetrics and social needs; thereby undertaking critical decision-making to support appropriate referral of either the woman or baby to other health professionals or agencies when there is recognition of normal processes being adversely affected and compromised, and where appropriate incorporating needs and preferences P Ord
Have skills in managing obstetric and neonatal emergencies, underpinned by appropriate knowledge and work collaboratively with other practitioners and agencies demonstrating effective working across professional boundaries and develop professional networks while recognising the limits of their own practice P Ord
Examine and care for babies immediately following birth and those with specific health or social needs and refer to other professionals or agencies as appropriate P Ord
Select, acquire and administer a range of permitted drugs and therapeutic agents, consistent with legislation, using knowledge and understanding of the situation to make professional judgements and ensure the safety of woman and baby while demonstrating a knowledge of legislation and policies governing their use P Ord
Have a good knowledge of the health and social care needs of the local community; be well networked into the local health and social care system and be proactive in identifying women at risk and engaging with the woman, her family and other services as appropriate, thereby contributing to enhancing the health and social well-being of individuals and their communities, whilst promoting social inclusion P Ord
Through the use of audit, evaluation and a critical understanding of policies, standards and protocols, develop their own midwifery practice and that of others, through effectively challenging current practices and contributing to the development and evaluation of guidelines and policies P Ord
Demonstrate effective communication and presentation skills when giving information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, clients and their relatives, both individually and in groups and in writing T Ord
Produce coherent and detailed records and project reports, consistent with NMC guidelines on record keeping and store them in ways which maintain confidentiality of information, only disclosing information to those who have a right to know T Ord
Support the creation and maintenance of environments which promote the health, safety and well-being of women, babies and all people in the workplace; identifying and responding to unsafe practice including effective working across professional boundaries and developing professional networks T Ord
Demonstrate numeracy skills to enable safe practice T Ord
Effectively utilise information technology (it) systems to manage, develop and evaluate midwifery practice T Ord
Manage self, including personal time and workload management, and uncertainty and change in the workplace and undertake self-directed studies for on-going professional development and continued fitness to practice T Ord
In addition students should be able to demonstrate completion of the NMC Skills Clusters (NMC 2009) and the requirements of the Directive 2005/36/EC Annex V (NMC 2009:65). T Ord
Adopt systematic approaches to analysing and evaluating information retrieved from a wide range of sources recognising the value of research and other scholarly activity in the development of the profession and in providing informed choices to women K BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate an understanding of research methodologies, critical evaluation of papers and the planning of a research proposal K BSc (Hons)
Critically evaluate midwifery care provision in light of its historic and contemporary context and inform practice with best evidence, upholding the practice of clinical governance, to inform future service provision and delivery K BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary ethical issues and their impact on midwifery practice and understand the legal and ethical responsibilities of professional practice K BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate knowledge of legislation, health and social policy relevant to midwifery practice and critically evaluate their own role within the health and social care services K BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the impact of regulation on midwifery effectiveness and evaluate its relationship to clinical governance and risk management K BSc (Hons)
Use a range of appropriate assessment techniques and reach valid, reliable and comprehensive conclusions C BSc (Hons)
Use reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving and reflective capacities to make judgements/decisions in the context of women-centred midwifery practice and to evaluate their own performance and fitness to practice, plan their own development and recognise their limitations C BSc (Hons)
Critically evaluate the effectiveness of programmes of care, guidelines and policies and make recommendations for change in the interest of women, babies and their families and design novel solutions based on best evidence when presented with new situations C BSc (Hons)
Practice in accordance with The NMC Code (2015) within the limitations of the individual's own competence, knowledge and sphere of professional practice, consistent with the legislation relating to midwifery practice P BSc (Hons)
Practise in a holistic way and work effectively within a multicultural context, which respects and promotes individuals' rights, interests, preferences, beliefs and cultures, taking account of legal and ethical frameworks including and eschewing discriminatory practices P BSc (Hons)
Act as a role model; showing emotional intelligence along with authentic, empathic behaviour and compassionate caring; confidently apply own knowledge to provide appropriate levels of guidance and supervision for others P BSc (Hons)
Be an autonomous practitioner and lead carer to women experiencing normal childbirth and being competent and confident to support women throughout normal pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatal period, in all care settings P BSc (Hons)
Practise independently, accountably and resourcefully within women-centred, multi-professional and multi-agency partnerships to provide seamless care through the preconception, antenatal, intrapartum and post natal stages of care for women, babies and their families P BSc (Hons)
Have a sound knowledge of the physiology of childbirth and the newborn, and of psychological, social, emotional and spiritual factors that may positively or adversely influence normal physiology, and be competent in applying this in practice P BSc (Hons)
Show appropriate inter-personal skills and communicate effectively with women and their families throughout the pre-conception, antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal periods; communication will include listening, enabling and encouraging P BSc (Hons)
Provide health promotion and parentcraft education which meets the needs of parents; offering the necessary evidence based advice and support on self-care, baby care and infant feeding and have the knowledge and skills to support breastfeeding mothers (BFI) P BSc (Hons)
Provide family planning advice, diagnose pregnancy, assess and monitor women holistically throughout the preconception, antenatal, intrapartum and post natal periods; working with women to determine and provide programmes of care and support for women and monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of programmes of care modifying them to improve the outcomes for women, babies and their families P BSc (Hons)
Monitor maternal and fetal wellbeing and care for, support and empower women and their partners, enhancing their ability to labour effectively and give birth to their babies P BSc (Hons)
Undertake risk assessment to inform the provision of care for women, babies and their families and manage and prioritise competing demands and care for all women, including those with complex medical, obstetrics and social needs; thereby undertaking critical decision-making to support appropriate referral of either the woman or baby to other health professionals or agencies when there is recognition of normal processes being adversely affected and compromised, and where appropriate incorporating needs and preferences P BSc (Hons)
Have skills in managing obstetric and neonatal emergencies, underpinned by appropriate knowledge and work collaboratively with other practitioners and agencies demonstrating effective working across professional boundaries and develop professional networks while recognising the limits of their own practice P BSc (Hons)
Examine and care for babies immediately following birth and those with specific health or social needs and refer to other professionals or agencies as appropriate P BSc (Hons)
Select, acquire and administer a range of permitted drugs and therapeutic agents, consistent with legislation, using knowledge and understanding of the situation to make professional judgements and ensure the safety of woman and baby while demonstrating a knowledge of legislation and policies governing their use P BSc (Hons)
Have a good knowledge of the health and social care needs of the local community; be well networked into the local health and social care system and be proactive in identifying women at risk and engaging with the woman, her family and other services as appropriate, thereby contributing to enhancing the health and social well-being of individuals and their communities, whilst promoting social inclusion P BSc (Hons)
Through the use of audit, evaluation and a critical understanding of policies, standards and protocols, develop their own midwifery practice and that of others, through effectively challenging current practices and contributing to the development and evaluation of guidelines and policies P BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate effective communication and presentation skills when giving information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, clients and their relatives, both individually and in groups and in writing T BSc (Hons)
Produce coherent and detailed records and project reports, consistent with nmc guidelines on record keeping and store them in ways which maintain confidentiality of information, only disclosing information to those who have a right to know T BSc (Hons)
Support the creation and maintenance of environments which promote the health, safety and well-being of women, babies and all people in the workplace; identifying and responding to unsafe practice including effective working across professional boundaries and developing professional networks T BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate numeracy skills to enable safe practice T BSc (Hons)
Effectively utilise information technology (it) systems to manage, develop and evaluate midwifery practice T BSc (Hons)
Manage self, including personal time and workload management, and uncertainty and change in the workplace and undertake self-directed studies for on-going professional development and continued fitness to practice T BSc (Hons)
In addition students should be able to demonstrate completion of the NMC Skills Clusters (NMC 2009) and the requirements of the Directive 2005/36/EC Annex V (NMC 2009:65). T BSc (Hons)

Attributes Developed

C - Cognitive/analytical

K - Subject knowledge

T - Transferable skills

P - Professional/Practical skills

Programme structure


This Bachelor's Degree (Honours) programme is studied full-time over three academic years, consisting of 360 credits (120 credits at FHEQ levels 4, 5 and 6). All modules are semester based and worth 15 credits with the exception of project, practice based and dissertation modules.
Possible exit awards include:
- Bachelor's Degree (Ordinary) (300 credits)
- Diploma of Higher Education (240 credits)
- Certificate of Higher Education (120 credits)
Parts of this programme may be studied outside of the standard University structure and may be subject to professional body requirements.

Programme Adjustments (if applicable)



Opportunities for placements / work related learning / collaborative activity

Associate Tutor(s) / Guest Speakers / Visiting Academics Y
Professional Training Year (PTY) N
Placement(s) (study or work that are not part of PTY) N
Clinical Placement(s) (that are not part of the PTY scheme) Y Yes
Study exchange (Level 5) N
Dual degree N

Quality assurance

The Regulations and Codes of Practice for taught programmes can be found at:


Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2019/0 academic year.