Electronic Engineering MEng - 2022/3

Awarding body

University of Surrey

Teaching institute

University of Surrey


FHEQ Levels 6 and 7

Final award and programme/pathway title

MEng Electronic Engineering

Subsidiary award(s)

Award Title
Ord Electronic Engineering
DipHE Electronic Engineering
CertHE Electronic Engineering
BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering

Professional recognition

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology on behalf of the Engineering Council for the purposes of fully meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer.

Modes of study

Route code Credits and ECTS Credits
Full-time UFA15001 480 credits and 240 ECTS credits
Full-time with PTY UFA15001 600 credits and 300 ECTS credits

QAA Subject benchmark statement (if applicable)

Engineering (Master)

Other internal and / or external reference points

UK-SPEC; EC document ‘Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes in Engineering’; IET document ‘IET Learning Outcomes Handbook (incorporating UK-SPEC) for Bachelors and MEng Degree Programmes’.

Faculty and Department / School

Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences - Computer Science and Electronic Eng

Programme Leader


Date of production/revision of spec


Educational aims of the programme

  • To provide a broad electronic and electrical engineering education with some degree of specialisation in the later stages.
  • To provide basic engineer formation, as part of the process leading to Chartered Engineer registration. BEng programmes partly meet the CEng educational requirements. MEng programmes, with their added depth, completely meet the CEng educational requirements.
  • To produce graduates equipped for roles in industry, in research, in development, in the professions, and/or in public service.
  • To produce graduates equipped with modern transferable skills, including information literacy and the skill of planning and managing their own life-long learning.
  • To provide relevant professional experience to students on programmes incorporating a Professional Training Year.
  • Intended graduate capabilities (basic): General transferable skills - possess necessary basic personal skills, be personally efficient, be able to manage his/her own time and resources, and be able to plan effectively both for engineering tasks and for personal development in the contexts of his/her life and career and of the need for life-long learning.
  • Intended graduate capabilities (basic): Underpinning learning - know, understand and be able to apply the fundamental mathematical, scientific and engineering facts and principles that underpin all of electronic and electrical engineering.
  • Intended graduate capabilities (basic): Engineering problem solving - be able to analyse electronic and electrical engineering problems and find solutions.
  • Intended graduate capabilities (basic): Engineering tools - be able to use relevant workshop and laboratory tools and equipment, and have experience of using task-specific software packages to perform engineering tasks.
  • Intended graduate capabilities (professional): Technical expertise - know, understand and be able to use the basic mathematical, scientific and engineering facts and principles associated with the topics within electronic and electrical engineering that he/she has chosen to study.
  • Intended graduate capabilities (professional): Societal and environmental context - be aware of the societal and environmental context of his/her engineering activities.
  • Intended graduate capabilities (professional): Employment context - be aware of commercial, industrial and employment-related practices and issues likely to affect his/her engineering activities.
  • Intended graduate capabilities (professional): Research and development investigations - be able to carry out research and development investigations.
  • Intended graduate capabilities (professional): Design - be able to design electronic and electrical circuits, and electronic / software products and systems.
  • Intended graduate capabilities (professional): Project management - be able to manage projects and to work in a team, including interdisciplinary teams, and be aware of the nature of leadership.

Programme learning outcomes

Attributes Developed Awards Ref.
IT tools. Be able to use computers and basic IT tools effectively. T
Information retrieval. Be able to retrieve information from written and electronic sources. T
Information analysis. Be able to apply critical but constructive thinking to received information. T
Studying. Be able to study and learn effectively. T
Written and oral communication. Be able to communicate effectively in writing and by oral presentations. T
Presenting quantitative data. Be able to present quantitative data effectively, using appropriate methods. T
Time + resource management. Be able to manage own time and resources. T
Planning. Be able to develop, monitor and update a plan, in the light of changing circumstances. T
Personal development planning. Be able to reflect on own learning and performance, and plan its development/improvement, as a foundation for life-long learning. T
Underpinning science. Know and understand scientific principles necessary to underpin their education in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, to enable appreciation of its scientific and engineering content, and to support their understanding of historical, current and future developments. KC US1
Underpinning mathematics. Know and understand the mathematical principles necessary to underpin their education in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and to enable them to apply mathematical methods, tools and notations proficiently in the analysis and solution of engineering problems. KCP US2
Underpinning engineering. Be able to apply and integrate knowledge and understanding of other engineering disciplines to support study of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. C US2
Engineering principles and analysis. Understand Electrical and Electronic Engineering principles and be able to apply them to analyse key engineering processes. KCP E1
Analysis and modelling of systems and components. Be able to identify, classify and describe the performance of systems and components through the use of analytical methods and modelling techniques. CP E2
Use of mathematical and computer-based models. Be able to apply mathematical and computer-based models to solve problems in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and be able to assess the limitations of particular cases. CP E2m
Use of quantitative methods for problem solving. Be able to apply quantitative methods relevant to Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in order to solve engineering problems. C E3 (part)
Systems thinking. Understand and be able to apply a systems approach to Electrical and Electronic Engineering problems. KCP E4
Workshop + laboratory skills. Have relevant workshop and laboratory skills. P P2
Programming + software design. Be able to write simple computer programs, be aware of the nature of microprocessor programming, and be aware of the nature of software design. CP
Software tools. Be able to apply computer software packages relevant to Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in order to solve engineering problems. CP E3 (part)
Topic-specific knowledge. Know and understand the facts, concepts, conventions, principles, mathematics and applications of the range of Electrical and Electronic Engineering topics he/she has chosen to study. KCP
Characteristics of materials and engineering artefacts. Know the characteristics of particular materials, equipment, processes or products. K P1
Current and future practice. Have thorough understanding of current practice and limitations, and some appreciation of likely future developments. K P1m
Emerging technologies. Be aware of developing technologies related to Electrical and Electronic Engineering. K US2m
Deepened knowledge of underlying scientific principles. Have comprehensive understanding of the scientific principles of electronic engineering and related disciplines. KC US1m
Deepened knowledge of mathematical and computer models. Have comprehensive knowledge and understanding of mathematical and computer models relevant to electronic and electrical engineering, and an appreciation of their limitations. KCP US3m
Deepened topic-specific knowledge. Know and understand, at Master's level, the facts, concepts, conventions, principles, mathematics and applications of a range of engineering topics that he/she has chosen to study. KCP (m)
Deepened knowledge of materials and components. Have extensive knowledge of a wide range of engineering materials and components. K P2m
Broader grasp of relevant concepts. Understand concepts from a range of areas including some from outside engineering, and be able to apply them effectively in engineering projects. KC US4m
Sustainable development. Understand the requirement for engineering activities to promote sustainable development. K S3
Legal requirements relating to environmental risk. Relevant part of: Be aware of the framework of relevant legal requirements governing engineering activities, including personnel, health, safety and risk (including environmental risk issues. K S4 (part)
Ethical conduct. Understand the need for a high level of professional and ethical conduct in engineering. K S5
Commercial context. Know and understand the commercial and economic context of electronic and electrical engineering processes. K S1
Engineering applications. Understand the contexts in which engineering knowledge can be applied (e.g. operations and management, technology development, etc.) K P3
Intellectual property. Be aware of the nature of intellectual property. K P5
Codes of practice. Understand appropriate codes of practice and industry standards. K P6
Quality. Be aware of quality issues. K P7
Working under constraints. Be able to apply engineering techniques taking account of a range of commercial and industrial constraints. CT P3m
Financial Accounting. Understand the basics of financial accounting procedures relevant to engineering project work. K
Commercial risk. Be able to make general evaluations of commercial risks through some understanding of the basis of such risks. CT S2m
Regulation. Be aware of the framework of relevant legal requirements governing engineering activities, including personnel, health, safety and risk (including environmental risk) issues. K S4 (part)
Technical information. Understand the use of technical literature and other information sources. T P4
Need for experimentation. Be aware of the need, in appropriate cases, for experimentation during scientific investigations and during engineering development. K
Investigation of new technology. Be able to use fundamental knowledge to investigate new and emerging technologies. CP E1m
Problem-solving using researched data. Be able to extract data pertinent to an unfamiliar problem, and employ this data in solving the problem, using computer-based engineering tools when appropriate. CP E3m
Technical uncertainty. Be able to work with technical uncertainty. CT P8
Understanding design. Understand the nature of the engineering design process. K
Design specification. Investigate and define a problem and identify constraints, including environmental and sustainability limitations, and health and safety and risk assessment issues. C D1
Customer needs. Understand customer and user needs and the importance of considerations such as aesthetics. KT D2
Cost drivers. Identify and manage cost drivers. CT D3
Creativity. Use creativity to establish innovative solutions. CPT D4
Design-life issues. Ensure fitness for purpose and all aspects of the problem including production, operation, maintenance and disposal. KC D5
Design management. Manage the design process and evaluate outcomes CT D6
Design methodologies. Have wide knowledge and comprehensive understanding of design processes and methodologies and be able to apply and adapt them in unfamiliar situations. KCP D1m
Innovative design. Be able to generate an innovative design for products, systems, components or processes, to fulfil new needs. CP D2m
Team membership. Be able to work as a member of a team. T
Team leadership. Be able to exercise leadership in a team. T
Multidisciplinarity. Be able to work in a multidisciplinary environment. T
Management awareness. Know about management techniques that may be used to achieve engineering objectives within the commercial and economic context of engineering processes. K
Business practice. Have extensive knowledge and understanding of management and business practices, and their limitations, and how these may be applied appropriately. K
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles of electronics, circuit theory, and telecommunications, and basic engineering science, and the ability to apply them to problems.
Demonstrate knowledge of basic mathematical methods for solving circuit and physical problems and the ability to use them in basic applications.
Apply computer programming to solve problems relevant to engineering.
Apply practical skills to build and test basic electronic instrumentation.
Demonstrate an ability to present, evaluate and interpret data and make basic deductions from them.
Demonstrate basic information literacy and presentation skills, and basic skills involved in assessing the work of themselves and others.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic principles of Electronic Engineering, and the ability to apply them to problems.
Demonstrate knowledge of most of the widely used mathematical methods for engineering problems and the ability to apply and adapt them in a variety of applications.
Apply practical skills at solving engineering problems using a range of computer models.
Demonstrate practical laboratory skills with a variety of basic Electronic Engineering instrumentation and an ability to select the appropriate instrumentation for the problem in hand.
Apply basis design principles for simple electronic instruments and manufacture them in a team.
Demonstrate an ability to present, evaluate and interpret data and make basic deductions from them
Demonstrate personal skills relating to information technology and the use of personal computers.
Demonstrate personal skills in relation to team-working, and the creation and presentation of business plans.
Ability to undertake further studies, including Electrical and Electronic Engineering topics at FHEQ Level 6 and/or undertake professional training year studies.
Demonstrate knowledge and application of advanced principles of selected areas of Electrical and Electronic Engineering that they have chosen to study.
Apply mathematical methods to describe and solve advanced engineering problems.
Demonstrate a practical ability at solving problems using a variety of computer models.
Demonstrate practical skills using a variety of basic and advanced instrumentation and an ability to select appropriate instrumentation for the problem in hand.
Demonstrate an ability to present, evaluate and interpret data and make basic deductions from them, plus provide critical analysis of the data and any problems arising
Understand the role of environmental, societal, commercial and employment issues in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Demonstrate individual or group project work requiring decision making and responsibility, and the ability to derive and present a full analysis of the results.
Analyse data and critically understand the limitations of the data.
Demonstrate knowledge and application of advanced principles of selected areas of Electrical and Electronic Engineering that they have chosen to study.
Apply mathematical methods to describe and solve advanced engineering problems.
Demonstrate a practical ability at solving problems using a variety of computer models.
Demonstrate practical skills using a variety of basic and advanced instrumentation and an ability to select appropriate instrumentation for the problem in hand.
Demonstrate an ability to present, evaluate and interpret data and make basic deductions from them, plus provide critical analysis of the data and any problems arising
Understand the role of environmental, societal, commercial and employment issues in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Demonstrate individual or group project work requiring decision making and responsibility, and the ability to derive and present a full analysis of the results.
Analyse data and critically understand the limitations of the data.
Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of advanced principles of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, circuit theory and telecommunications, linear systems theory, semiconductor physics, communications networks, software engineering and the ability to apply them to problems.
Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of more advanced key topics especially in electrical power systems, control theory, communications, networking, semiconductor devices, software engineering plus other topics in specialist areas at or near the frontiers of present day Electronic Engineering
Critical analyse problems and/or topics of research interest in specialist topics at the forefront of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Demonstrate a knowledge of most of the widely used mathematical methods for engineering problems and the ability to apply and adapt them in advanced applications, including open ended problems
Demonstrate a practical ability at solving advanced engineering problems using advanced computer models
Analyse, evaluate and interpret data and make deductions from them, plus provide critical analysis of the data and any problems arising
Demonstrate an ability to manage a personal learning programme, and continue to develop personal skills to a high level
Demonstrate engineering research and development in a Multidisciplinary Design project and the ability to derive and present a full analysis of the results.

Attributes Developed

C - Cognitive/analytical

K - Subject knowledge

T - Transferable skills

P - Professional/Practical skills

Programme structure


This Integrated Master's Degree (Honours) programme is studied full-time over four academic years, consisting of 480 credits (120 credits at FHEQ levels 4, 5, 6 and 7). All modules are semester based and worth 15 credits with the exception of project, practice based and dissertation modules.
Possible exit awards include:
- Bachelor's Degree (Honours) (360 credits)
- Bachelor's Degree (Ordinary) (300 credits)
- Diploma of Higher Education (240 credits)
- Certificate of Higher Education (120 credits)

Full-time with PTY

This Integrated Master's Degree (Honours) programme is studied full-time over five academic years, consisting of 600 credits (120 credits at FHEQ levels 4, 5, 6, 7 and the optional professional training year). All modules are semester based and worth 15 credits with the exception of project, practice based and dissertation modules.
Possible exit awards include:
- Bachelor's Degree (Honours) (360 credits)
- Bachelor's Degree (Ordinary) (300 credits)
- Diploma of Higher Education (240 credits)
- Certificate of Higher Education (120 credits)

Programme Adjustments (if applicable)



Professional Training Year (PTY) - Professional Training Year

Module code Module title Status Credits Semester

Module Selection for Professional Training Year (PTY) - Professional Training Year


Opportunities for placements / work related learning / collaborative activity

Associate Tutor(s) / Guest Speakers / Visiting Academics Y
Professional Training Year (PTY) Y
Placement(s) (study or work that are not part of PTY) N
Clinical Placement(s) (that are not part of the PTY scheme) N
Study exchange (Level 5) Y
Dual degree N

Quality assurance

The Regulations and Codes of Practice for taught programmes can be found at:


Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2022/3 academic year.