International Business Management BSc (Hons) - 2024/5

Awarding body

University of Surrey

Teaching institute

University of Surrey


FHEQ Level 6

Final award and programme/pathway title

BSc (Hons) International Business Management

Subsidiary award(s)

Award Title
Ord International Business Management
DipHE International Business Management
CertHE International Business Management

Professional recognition

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
Accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

Modes of study

Route code Credits and ECTS Credits
Full-time UKA10020 360 credits and 180 ECTS credits
Full-time with PTY UKA10097 480 credits and 240 ECTS credits

QAA Subject benchmark statement (if applicable)

Business and Management (Bachelor)

Other internal and / or external reference points


Faculty and Department / School

Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences - Surrey Business School

Programme Leader


Date of production/revision of spec


Educational aims of the programme

  • Equip students with knowledge and skills that are essential for establishing professional careers in international business management.
  • Develop resourceful and resilient graduates who can develop and manage sustainable businesses.
  • Develop globally minded graduates who appreciate diversity and demonstrate personal responsibility and integrity.
  • Understand, critically evaluate, and apply appropriate concepts, frameworks and theories to local and global business and management scenarios.
  • Produce informed analysis and creative solutions to a range of managerial challenges and business opportunities.
  • Assist students to thrive in the digital world and harness technology in international business.

Programme learning outcomes

Attributes Developed Awards Ref.
Critically evaluate strategies, theories and frameworks that are relevant to managing international business. K BSc (Hons)
Integrate theory and practice of international business management. K BSc (Hons)
Appraise and apply multi-disciplinary management techniques to complex international business problems, formulate solutions and present results in a persuasive manner. C BSc (Hons)
Critically reflect on the ethical, social and sustainability issues likely to arise in the conduct of international business; negotiate solutions with key stakeholders. C BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate professional digital competences in a broad range of skills relevant to the needs of future managers, executives, and other professionals. PT Ord, BSc (Hons)
Evaluate and apply enhanced critical thinking, analysis and synthesis; numeracy; reasoning; communication; presentation; computing; report writing, problem solving; research; team working and group skills, and commercial awareness. T Ord, BSc (Hons)
Apply relevant management approaches and techniques to examine the performance of organisations operating in the environment of international business. KP DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Translate theory into practice of international business management. K DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Select and apply international business management techniques to well defined problems, analyse results, draw appropriate conclusions, and present the results in an appropriate format. C DipHE
Demonstrate an awareness of and plan possible solutions for the ethical, social and sustainable issues likely to arise in the conduct of business across diverse contexts. C DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Select and apply management techniques to well defined problems, analyse results, draw appropriate conclusions, and present the results in an appropriate format. C DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Apply a range of professional and digital competences that are relevant to the needs of future managers. PT DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate and apply analysis techniques; critical thinking; problem solving methodologies; numerical reasoning; to appropriately communicate information, arguments and analysis to a required audience. T DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding of global organisations, business contexts and external environments. K CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate an understanding of the theory and practice of international business management. K CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Select and apply management techniques to simple problems, draw appropriate conclusions based on data and present the results in an appropriate format. C CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Recognise and demonstrate an awareness of the ethical, social and sustainability issues likely to arise in the conduct of business practice in diverse cultural contexts. C CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate professional competences in the use of digital technologies relevant to the needs of future managers. T CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate some critical thinking; numeracy; presentation; report writing, and group skills. KT CertHE, DipHE, Ord, BSc (Hons)
Demonstrate key business skills (applicable to students who undertake the Professional Training Year). P
Analysis of business operations (applicable to students who undertake the Professional Training Year). P
Self- reflection and awareness (applicable to students who undertake the Professional Training Year). P

Attributes Developed

C - Cognitive/analytical

K - Subject knowledge

T - Transferable skills

P - Professional/Practical skills

Programme structure


This Bachelor's Degree (Honours) programme is studied full-time over three academic years, consisting of 360 credits (120 credits at FHEQ levels 4, 5 and 6). All modules are semester based and worth 15 credits with the exception of project, practice based and dissertation modules.
Possible exit awards include:
- Bachelor's Degree (Ordinary) (300 credits)
- Diploma of Higher Education (240 credits)
- Certificate of Higher Education (120 credits)

Full-time with PTY

This Bachelor's Degree (Honours) programme is studied full-time over four academic years, consisting of 480 credits (120 credits at FHEQ levels 4, 5, 6 and the optional professional training year). All modules are semester based and worth 15 credits with the exception of project, practice based and dissertation modules.
Possible exit awards include:
- Bachelor's Degree (Ordinary) (300 credits)
- Diploma of Higher Education (240 credits)
- Certificate of Higher Education (120 credits)

Programme Adjustments (if applicable)



Year 3 - FHEQ Level 6

Module Selection for Year 3 - FHEQ Level 6

Students who do not choose the Applied Business Project:
You will need to select three optional modules in semester 1 and two optional in semester 2

Students who choose the Applied Business Project:
You will need to select two optional modules in semester 1 and one optional in semester 2

Year 3 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 6

Module Selection for Year 3 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 6

Students who do not choose the Applied Business Project:
You will need to select three optional modules in semester 1 and two optional in semester 2

Students who choose the Applied Business Project:
You will need to select two optional modules in semester 1 and one optional in semester 2

Professional Training Year (PTY) -

Module Selection for Professional Training Year (PTY) -


Opportunities for placements / work related learning / collaborative activity

Associate Tutor(s) / Guest Speakers / Visiting Academics N
Professional Training Year (PTY) Y
Placement(s) (study or work that are not part of PTY) N
Clinical Placement(s) (that are not part of the PTY scheme) N
Study exchange (Level 5) Y
Dual degree N

Other information

Surrey's Curriculum Framework is committed to developing graduates with strengths in employability, digital capabilities, global and cultural capabilities, sustainability, resourcefulness, and resilience.

Employability: The programme equips students with the competencies needed for establishing a career in international business management. This includes skills development and understanding of a range concepts, frameworks and theories related to international business.

Digital Capabilities: Students learn and utilise a variety of digital platforms and analytical tools that are used in business. Students are also encouraged to use communication and cloud storage technologies. Students are advised on the appropriate use of social networking in professional contexts. Digital technologies are also embedded in various assessments throughout the programme.

Global and cultural capabilities: Students explore the dynamics of conducting business in and across different cultures, borders, and jurisdictions. The cohort represents a wealth of nationalities and backgrounds and allows students to develop their cultural intelligence, broaden their world view, reflect on their own interpretations and consider issues against a broader spectrum of perspectives. Students can also gain experience of living and working in another country by way of the international University exchange programme and the professional training year.

Sustainability: The programme aims to develop students' understanding and awareness of sustainability agendas and their application in areas such as corporate social responsibility, corporate governance and accountability, ethics, and risk management.

Resourcefulness and Resilience: Students are exposed to authentic managerial challenges that help to develop attributes such as confidence, adaptability, problem-solving, decision-making, team working, evaluating complex scenarios, handling objections, drawing on evidence, meeting deadlines, formulating and presenting proposals, and dealing with unfamiliar and potentially unforeseen events.

Quality assurance

The Regulations and Codes of Practice for taught programmes can be found at:

Please note that the information detailed within this record is accurate at the time of publishing and may be subject to change. This record contains information for the most up to date version of the programme / module for the 2024/5 academic year.